WSEAS CONFERENCES. WSEAS, Unifying the Science

Our goal is to maintain very strong international journals, to increase the impact of our beloved WSEAS Transactions, really top journals as they really are. To this end, we need only high quality papers, breakthrough works of archival value, i.e. papers that are well written from any point of view, completed studies (with their numerical examples or experiments that must be compared with the previous results in the literature), excellent english and of course correct WSEAS Transactions format.. We need only papers that will attract the attention of other scholars citing them and increasing the impact factor of the journals

Check very carefully if your idea is really important, breakthrough in your field and can appear in a Journal of the quality and the level of the WSEAS Transactions.

If you doubt, do not send it so easily.

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Your paper must not be only a good idea! It must be a complete study with theoretical background, complete bibliographical references; without grammatical and syntactical errors. For theoretical works: full comparison with previous published papers is necessary. We need numerical examples, applicability of the method, originality, novelty and directions for future research. For experimental or computational works: full comparison with previous published papers is necessary. We need real experiments with the necessary documentation, while for computational work, we need full benchmarks. Of course along discussions for the applicability of the method, originality, novelty and directions for future research.

Each paper is sent  to 3 independent Reviewers outside the author(s) country. The positive answer of the 3 reviewers is necessary (i.e. 2 yes and 1 no implies NO, rejection). The final list of the accepted papers must have the approval of one Associate Editor (or member of the Scientific Committee), 3 Reviewers, and of course the Editor-in-Chief of the particular Journal. i.e. 5 persons: 3 Reviewers, Associate Editor and the Editor-in-Chief of the particular Journal. 
This is the reason that the procedure for approval is very slow and needs at least 6 months.
Relation with Conferences: See this example also.

The paper must be written strictly with the WSEAS Transactions format.