1, Volume 7, January 2008
Title of the Paper: Fault
Diagnosis for a Rolling Bearing used in a Reciprocating Machine by Adaptive
Filtering Technique and Fuzzy Neural Network
Authors: Huaqing Wang, Peng Chen
Abstract: This paper presents a method of fault diagnosis for a rolling
bearing used in a reciprocating machine by the adaptive filtering technique
and a fuzzy neural network. The adaptive filtering is used for noise
cancelling and feature extraction from vibration signal measured for the
diagnosis. A fuzzy neural network is used to automatically distinguish the fault
types of a bearing by time domain features. Using the signals processed by
adaptive filtering, the neural network can quickly converge when learning,
and can quickly distinguish fault types when diagnosing. The spectrum
analysis of an enveloped time signal is also used for the fault diagnosis.
Practical examples of diagnosis for a rice husking machine are shown in order
to verify the efficiency of the method. All diagnosis results of the spectrum
analysis and the fuzzy neural network show that the method proposed in this
paper is very effective even for cancelling highly correlated noise, and for
automatically discriminating the fault types with a high accuracy.
Fault diagnosis, adaptive filtering, fuzzy neural network, rolling bearing,
Reciprocating Machine, signal processing
Title of the Paper:
Identity-based Constant Round Group Key Exchange Protocol via Secret-Share
Authors: C. J. Cao, J. F.
Abstract: Group key management is one of the basic building blocks in
securing group communication. A number of solutions to group key exchange
have been proposed, but most of them are not scalable and require a number of
rounds linear in the number of group members. We formally present a
constant-round Identity-based protocol with forward secrecy for group key
exchange, which is provably secure in the security model introduced by
Bresson et al. Our protocol focuses on round efficiency and the number of
communication round is only two. And, the protocol provides a batch
verification technique, which simultaneously verifies the validity of
messages from other group participants and greatly improves computational efficiency.
Moreover, in our protocol, it is no necessary of always-online key generation
center during the execution of the protocol compared to other Identity-based
provable security, identity-based, group key exchange, constant round,
Title of the Paper: Use
of Response Surface Methodology and Exponential Desirability Functions to
Paper Feeder Design
Authors: Hsu-Hwa Chang,
Chih-Hsien Chen
Abstract: Applying parameter design to a system that has a binary-type
performance, an efficient metric is to employ the operating window (OW) which
is the range between two performance limit thresholds. Paper feeder design is
a typical problem of the OW method. The wider OW, the higher performance of
the system is. This study uses an approach based on artificial neural
networks (ANN) and desirability functions to optimizing the OW design of a
paper feeder. The approach employs an ANN to construct the response function
model (RFM) of the OW system. A novel performance measure (PM) is developed
to evaluate the OW responses. Through evaluating the PM of the predicted OW
responses, the best control factor combination can be obtained from the full
control factor combinations. A simulated example of a paper feeder design is
analyzed. Performing the approach to parameter design problems, engineers do
not require much background in statistics but instead rely on their knowledge
of engineering.
Artificial Neural Networks, Exponential Desirability Functions, Operating
Windows, Response Surface Methodology, Response Function Model, Paper Feeder
Title of the Paper: Principal
Component Analysis for Greenhouse Modelling
Authors: Nathalie
Pessel, Jean-Francois Balmat
Abstract: This paper presents a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) study for
neuronal modelling of a complex system. The PCA transforms a set of
correlated variables into a smaller set of uncorrelated variables without
lose the original information. Thanks to this first stage it is possible to
design a simplified structure of the model. The right choice of the
architecture is crucial for the application of neural nets in process
identification. The proposed study allows to validate the association of the
principal component analysis with neuronal model for a real multivariable
process modelling: an experimental greenhouse. The object is to estimate the
internal climate (temperature and hygrometry) by reducing the number of the
input variables. Thus, we compare two different structures of neural network.
Several tests and results are presented and discussed.
Principal component analysis, neural networks, multivariable system
modelling, model reduction.
Title of the Paper:
Cross Evaluation using Weight Restrictions in Unitary Input DEA Models:
Theoretical Aspects and Application to Olympic Games Ranking
Joao Carlos Correia Baptista Soares De Mello, Eliane Goncalves Gomes, Lidia
Angulo Meza, Luiz Biondi Neto
Abstract: There is no official method to establish a final ranking for the
Olympic Games. The usual ranking is based on the Lexicographic Multicriteria
Method, the main drawback of which is to overvalue gold medals. Furthermore,
it does not take into account the results of the Winter Games, which are also
part of the Olympic Games. This paper proposes a method based on DEA, in
which the outputs are the number of all three medals (gold, silver and
bronze) that each country won at both the Salt Lake City and Sydney games; a
constant input is considered for all countries. Theoretical aspects of this
model are explained hereinbelow. Restrictions based on the importance of each
medal are defined for this model. A weight average for each output, based on
a modified Cross Evaluation model, is developed and is used as the
coefficient in the weighted sum that establishes the final ranking.
Data Envelopment Analysis – Cross evaluation – Weights restrictions – Unitary
input – Ranking.
Issue 2, Volume 7, February 2008
Title of the Paper:
Determination of 3 - RPR Planar Parallel Robot Assembly Modes by Jacobian Matrix
Authors: Georges Fried,
Karim Djouani, Diane Borojeni, Sohail Iqbal
Abstract: This paper presents a new approach for the determination of 3 −
RPR planar parallel robot assembly modes. In this approach, the parallel
robot is considered as a multi robot system. The segments are then regarded
as serial robots moving a common load. The proposed approach is based on a
parallel robot Jacobian matrix factorization. This factorization is an
extension of global formalism developed by Fijany. This approach allows to
determine several parallel robot Jacobian matrices, which are used for the
assembly mode determination of a 3 − RPR planar parallel robot.
Effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by the simulation.
Parallel Robot, Kinematic Model, Jacobian Matrix, Assembly Modes.
Title of the Paper: A
Chaos-based Unequal Encryption Mechanism in Wireless
Telemedicine with Error Decryption
Authors: Chin-Feng Lin,
Cheng-Hsing Chung, Zhi-Lu Chen, Chang-Jin Song, Zhi-Xiang Wang
Abstract: In this paper, we have developed a chaos-based unequal encryption
mechanism which can be applied in the wireless telemedicine with error
decryption. The main idea for using chaos sequence is to increase the
unpredictability compared with other kinds of random sequences. An essential
feature of this unequal encryption scheme is that a bit stream mapping of 1D
chaotic scrambler and a permutation scheme are allocated to the medical
information that requires higher level encryption. In addition, a bit stream
mapping of 1D chaotic scrambler is provided to messages that can meet high
speed encryption. Simulation results show when a correct deciphering
parameter is put in, these signals will be completely recovered. As long as
there is an input parameter error, for example, with 0.00000001% initial
point error, these signals will not be recovered.
chaos, unequal encryption mechanism, wireless telemedicine.
Title of the Paper:
Wavelet Real Time Monitoring System: A Case Study of the Musical Influence on
Authors: Chien-Yue Chen,
Wing-Kwong Wong, Cheng-Deng Kuo, Yun-Tzai Liao, Ming-Da Ke
Abstract: The aim of this study was to develop a real time monitoring system,
and to study the effect of music on electroencephalography (EEG). We used
this system for real time acquisition and signal analysis of the
electroencephalogram of volunteer who was listening to different types of
music (techno and classical). The δ, θ, α and β brain
waves were observed and analyzed by using wavelet transformation. The
analogue EEG signal was measured by biomedical signal machine, converted to
digital signal using data acquisition module, and then input to a computer.
The graphical user interface was developed using LabVIEW and the signal
wavelet transformation algorithms were implemented using MATLAB programs. The
advantages of this system are its modularity and capability to observe
dynamic variation of any biomedical signals. By using this system, we found
that when the music type was changed, the variation in volunteer’s brain wave
can be monitored in real time by the wavelet-based real time monitoring
Electroencephalogram (EEG); Brain wave; Continuous wavelet transform (CWT)
Title of the Paper:
Track Fusion with Incomplete Covariance Information
Authors: Jiahong Chen,
Jiuqiang Han, Zhonghua Zhang, Xinman Zhang
Abstract: This work solves a practical decentralized track fusion problem
where the global fusion center can not receive the real-time covariance
information from local systems because of the limited communication
bandwidth. The algorithms of track-to-track fusion were revisited, especially
the recent new researching results, and the proper algorithms for the linear
systems with incomplete covariance information were analyzed. The approximate
optimal track fusion (AOTF) algorithm was proposed for steady or “slowly
varying” system based on the optimal decentralized track fusion algorithm
(OTF). This new designed algorithm has preferable performance than the
maximum-likelihood-based fusion methods either in tracking error or in
computational load, at the same time, the communication bandwidth needed is
very small. Simulation results confirm its effectiveness.
Decentralized Track Fusion, Incomplete Covariance Information, Communication
Bandwidth, “Slowly Varying” System, Linear System
Title of the Paper:
Pricing Strategy of Ecological Industry Chain Based on Game Theory
Authors: Hai-Jie Yu,
Xiang-Yang Li, Yan-Xin Wang
Abstract: The pricing decision of three stages ecological industry chain of
which is consisted of manufacturer producing mainproduct and byproduct,
mainproduct seller and byproduct buyer is studied. Four kinds of pricing
decision were discussed: manufacturer stackeberg equilibrium, mainproduct
seller-manufacturer-byproduct buyer stackeberg equilibrium, buyer stackeberg
equilibrium, alliance of mainproduct seller and byproduct buyer stackeberg equilibrium.
Computational instances show that the system profit of manufacturer
stackeberg equilibrium equals that of alliance of mainproduct seller and
byproduct buyer stackeberg equilibrium, and is larger than that of other two
equilibriums. Leader can obtain more profit than follower. The profit of
buyer stackeberg equilibrium is less than other three equilibriums because
both of mainproduct seller and byproduct buyer makes the price decision with
manufacturer independently in the situation. Moreover, it is possible that
the deal in the chain can not be made in buyer stackeberg equilibrium.
Alliance of mainproduct seller and byproduct buyer should be the good way by
which the system profit can be improved.
Ecological industry chain; Game theory; Pricing decision; Stackelberg model
Title of the Paper: Unmanned
Helicopter Flight Controller Design by Use of Model Predictive Control
Authors: Jianfu Du, Yaou
Zhang, Tiansheng Lu
Abstract: Helicopters are strongly coupled, multivariate, time-delay
nonlinear plants. The design of a stable control system for autonomous flight
is a challenging task. But because of wide applications, the research on
helicopters is booming. In this paper, we will research on a small scale
unmanned helicopter. Firstly, kinematical model and dynamical model are
presented. Then we design a flight controller which includes an attitude
controller and a position controller. As for attitude control, a novel
control method, model predictive control (MPC), is applied. The advantages of
MPC are that it can deal with the limits of the actuators and the existing
time-delay of the plant. Its performance was verified in real flight
experiments. The results show that the controller performs well in position
control mode.
MPC, unmanned helicopter, flight control, helicopter modeling
Title of the Paper: An
Inverse Dynamic Model of the Gough-Stewart Platform
Authors: Georges Fried,
Karim Djouani, Diane Borojeni, Sohail Iqbal
Abstract: In this paper a new formulation of the inverse dynamic model of the
Gough-Stewart platform is proposed. This approach is based on the methodology
developped by Khalil. The platform is considered as a multi robot system
moving a common load. Using a global formalism, the Jacobian and inertia
matrices of each segment are computed in a factorized form. This paper
provides a basis for parallel algorithm development for a dynamic control under
the real time consraint. The proposed sheme is validated by the simulation
Parallel Robot, Gough-Stewart Platform, Kinematic Model, Jacobian Matrix,
Inverse Dynamic Model
Title of the Paper:
Narrowband Interference Rejection in GPS receiver using Adaptive Lattice
Authors: Wei-Lung Mao
Abstract: The global positioning system (GPS) provides accurate positioning
and timing information useful in many applications. An adaptive lattice
predictor for the anti-jamming purpose will be proposed. The adaptive filter
is applied here to accurately predict the narrowband waveform based on an
effective and computationally efficient stochastic-gradient algorithm.
Simulation results show that our proposed fixed-point adaptive canceller
achieves a better performance on narrowband interference rejection in GPS
Adaptive Lattice Predictor, Stochastic-gradient Algorithm, Narrowband
Interference Rejection, Global Positioning System(GPS)
Title of the Paper:
Modified PSO Algorithm Based on Flow of Wind for Odor Source Localization
Problems in Dynamic Environments
Authors: Wisnu Jatmiko,
Petrus Mursanto, Benyamin Kusumoputro, Kosuke Sekiyama, Toshio Fukuda
Abstract: A new algorithm based on Modified Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO in order to
control autonomous vehicles for solving odor source localization in dynamic
advection-diffusion environment have been developed. Furthermore an
improvements of the MPSO for odor source localization, which follows a local
gradient of the chemical concentration within a plume is investigated.
Another popular biomimetic approach in odor source localization problem is
anemotaxis. An anemotaxis-driven agent measures the direction of the fluid’s
velocity and navigates “upstream” within the plume. In this paper, the
combination of chemotaxis “MPSO”-based algorithm and anemotaxis will be
described. This method is well known in the animal kingdom as odorgated
rheotaxis (OGR). On the other hand, in real world, the odor distribution is
multi peaks especially in obstacle environments. For that reason, a new
environment with obstacle will be developed. The purpose of developing the
environment is to bridge the gap between very complex, hard-to-understand
real world problems (odor dispersion model) and overly simplistic-toy-problem
(dynamic bit matching or moving parabola). Simulations illustrate that the
new approach can solve Advection-Diffusion odor model problems in such a
dynamic odor with obstacle-filled environments.
MPSO, Anemotaxis, Chemotoxis, OGR, Advection-Diffsuion, Odor Source
Title of the Paper:
Evolutionary Algorithms and Simulated Annealing in the Topological
Configuration of the Spanning Tree
Authors: A. Sadegheih
Abstract: In this paper, the author proposes the application of a genetic
algorithm and simulated annealing to solve the network planning problem.
Compared with other optimisation methods, genetic algorithm and simulated
annealing are suitable for traversing large search spaces since they can do
this relatively rapidly and because the use of mutation diverts the method
away from local minima, which will tend to become more common as the search
space increases in size. Genetic algorithm and simulated annealing give an
excellent trade-off between solution quality and computing time and
flexibility for taking into account specific constraints in real situations.
Simulated annealing is a search process that has its origin in the fields of
materials science and physics. Simulated annealing, alternatively attempts to
avoid becoming trapped in a local optimum. The problem of minimum-cost
expansion of network is formulated as a genetic algorithm and simulated
annealing. Optimal solution in linear programming is spanning tree. But GA
and SA solutions show those are both spanning tree and no spanning tree.
Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing, Evolutionary Algorithms, Spanning
Tree, Linear Programming, Network.
Issue 3, Volume 7, March 2008
Title of the Paper:
Optimal Power Capturing of Multi-MW Wind Generation System
Authors: Kong Yigang,
Wang Zhixin
Abstract: Recently, an increasing number of multi-MW (1MW and up) wind
generation systems are being developed and variable speed-variable pitch
(VS-VP) control technology is usually adopted to improve the fast response
speed and obtain the optimal energy, which means to obtain the maximum power
at low wind speed and the rated power at high wind speed. However, the power
generated by wind turbine changes rapidly for the continuous fluctuation of
wind speed and direction, and wind energy conversion systems are of strong
nonlinear characteristics for many uncertain factors and external
disturbances. Based on modeling and analyzing of the doubly-fed induction
generator (DFIG) and the hydraulic variable pitch mechanism (HVPM), this
paper presents an adaptive fuzzy proportional integral derivative (AFPID)
control strategy to capture optimal power. Simulation results show that the
controller can improve the wind turbine performance than conventional PID
Doubly-fed induction generator, Hydraulic variable pitch mechanism, Optimal,
Adaptive fuzzy proportional integral derivative, Variable speed-variable
pitch, Wind turbine
Title of the Paper:
Engineering Education and Infinite Superposition
Authors: Irwin W.
Abstract: Attention is focused on continuous-space shift-invariant systems
with continuous system maps and inputs and outputs that are elements of L?(Rd).
It is shown that infinite superposition can fail in this important setting. It
is also shown that continuous shift-invariant linear mappings need not commute
with the operation of integration (even when the two composite operations are
well defined).
linear systems, superposition, commutativity, shift-invariant systems,
bounded measurable inputs
Title of the Paper:
Enhancing Geophysical Signals from Archaeological Sites Trough the Use of
Wavelet Transforms
Authors: Guangrong Shen,
Apostolos Sarris, Nikos Papadopoulos
Abstract: Various levels and types of noise are responsible for hindering the
valuable information obtained through shallow depth geophysical exploration
of archaeological sites. Wavelet transform techniques were tested as a method
for decomposition of the original geophysical data in order to eliminate the
noise levels inherent to the geophysical measurements. Unsupervised
classification techniques were employed for the final fusion of different
datasets originating from various surveys or processing procedures. The
resulting images were able to enhance the subsurface targets, eliminating the
noise levels and exploiting fully the properties of the geophysical
techniques used.
wavelets, classification, fusion, geophysical prospection, archaeological
data, Sikyon, Greece.
Title of the Paper:
Construction and Operation of a Knowledge Base on Intelligent Machine Tools
Authors: Seung Woo Lee,
Jun Yeob Song, Hwa Ki Lee
Abstract: Machine tools lie at the heart of almost all manufacturing systems,
and their performance has a massive influence on both the performance and
productivity of systems. In accordance with the development of computer
systems, intelligent technologies have been applied to manufacturing systems,
thereby raising the need for more intelligent machine tools. Intelligent
machines respond to external environments on the basis of decisions that are
made by sensing the changes in the environment and analyzing the obtained
information. This study focuses on the construction of a knowledge base which
enables decision making with that information. Approximately 70% of all
errors that occur in machine tools are caused by thermal errors. In order to
proactively deal with these errors, a system which measures the temperatures
of each part and predicts and compensates the displacement of each axis has
been developed. The system was built in an open- type controller to enable
machine tools to measure temperature changes and compensate the displacement.
The construction of a machining knowledge base is important for the
implementation of intelligent machine tools, and is expected to be applicable
to the network-based, intelligent machine tools which look set to appear
sooner or later.
Machining Knowledge Base, Intelligent Machine Tools, Thermal errors, Offset
compensation, Open controller, Multiple linear regression models, Neural
Title of the Paper:
Human Body Model Based Inertial Measurement of Sit-to-Stand Motion Kinematics
Authors: Josip
Music, Roman Kamnik, Vlasta Zanchi, Marko Munih
Abstract: In the paper a method for measuring kinematics of sit-to-stand
motion using inertial sensors and human body model is presented. The proposed
method fuses data from inertial sensors and data from threesegment human body
model using Extended Kalman filtering technique and in this way alleviates
some of the drawbacks associated with inertial sensors. Dynamic human body
model is constructed based on principles of Lagrangian dynamics and
incorporates shank, thigh and HAT (Head-Arms-Trunk) segments. The moments
required in obtained model equations (ankle, knee and hip moments) are
calculated based on the EKF last best estimate and Newton-Euler inverse
dynamic approach. Outputs from the EKF are segment angles (orientations),
angular rates of change (angular velocities) and angular accelerations. The
performance of the method is verified by the measurements acquired with
Optotrak optical motion analysis system. Obtained results are presented and
Inertial sensors, human dynamic body model, Kalman filter, standing-up
Title of the Paper:
Mobile Sensors Networks under Communication Constraints
Authors: Simone
Gabriele, Paolo Di Giamberardino
Abstract: The paper deals with the problem of computing optimal or suboptimal
motion for a network of mobile sensors. The use of moving sensors means that
for each point of the field under measurement asynchronous discrete time
measures are given instead of continuous time ones, being possible to fix in
advance the maximum time interval between two consecutive measures for the
same point. The constraints here considered are on the full coverage of the
field, with respect to the measurements, within the prefixed time interval
and on the communication connections, between any pair of moving sensors, at
any time. A solution, based on a local distributed approach, is proposed and
compared with a centralized approach previously proposed, and here recalled,
by the same authors. Some simulations show the effectiveness of the both
solutions, putting in evidence advantages, disadvantages and differences.
Sensor network, dynamic configuration, optimal motion, network
Title of the Paper: An
Axis-shifted Crossover-Imaged Clustering Algorithm
Authors: Nancy P. Lin,
Chung-I Chang, Nien-Yi Jan, Hao-En Chueh, Hung-Jen Chen, Wei-Hua Hao
Abstract: With low computation time, the grid-based clustering algorithms are
efficient clustering algorithms, but the size of the predefined grids and the
threshold of the significant cells are seriously influenced their effects. In
grid-based clustering system, the data space is partitioned into a finite
number of cells to form a grid structure and then performs all clustering
operations on this obtained grid structure. The ADCC algorithm is the first
one to use axis-shifted strategy to reduce the influences of the size of the
cells and inherits the advantage with the low time complexity. But it still
uses the cell-clustering twice, the Axis-shifted Crossover-Imaged Clustering
Algorithm, called ACICA+, is proposed to use cell-clustering only once and
still has the same results. The main idea of ACICA+ algorithm is to shift the
original axis in each dimension of the data space after the image of
significant cells generated from the original grid structure have been
obtained. Because the shifted grid structure can be considered a dynamic
adjustment of the size of original cells and the threshold of significant
cells, the new image generated from this shifted grid structure will be used
to revise and replace the originally obtained significant cells. Finally the
clusters will be generated from this crossover image. The experimental
results verify that, indeed, the effect of ACICA+ algorithm is less
influenced by the size of the cells than other grid-based algorithms.
Finally, we will verify by experiment that the results of our proposed ACICA+
algorithm outperforms than others.
Data Mining, Grid Structure, Crossover Image, Cell, Shifted Grid,
Cater-Corner Significant Cell
Title of the Paper:
Static Output-Feedback Simultaneous Stabilization of Interval Time-Delay
Authors: Yuan-Chang
Chang, Song-Shyong Chen
Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of simultaneous static
output-feedback stabilization of a collection of interval time-delay systems.
It is shown that this problem can be converted into a matrix measure
assignment problem. Sufficient conditions for guaranteeing the robust
stability for considered systems are derived in term of the matrix measures
of the system matrices. By using matrix inequalities, we provide two cases of
obtaining a static output-feedback controller that can stabilize the system,
, i.e., both P=I and P≠I cases are considered where I is a identity
matrix and P is a common positive definite matrix to guarantee the stability
of the overall system. The sufficient condition with P=I is formulated in the
format of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). When P≠I is considered,
the sufficient condition becomes a nonlinear matrix inequality problem and a
heuristic iterative algorithm based on the LMI technique is presented to
solve the coupled matrix inequalities. Finally, an example is provided to
illustrate the effectiveness of our approach.
Matrix measure; Robust control; Output feedback; Interval systems; Linear
Matrix Inequality
Title of the Paper:
Studies of Mechanical Vibrations and Current Harmonics in Induction Motors
using Finite Element Method
Authors: P. Pao-La-Or,
S. Sujitjorn, T. Kulworawanichpong, S. Peaiyoung
Abstract: This paper illustrates a numerical approach to magnetic field
modeling for a squirrel-cage induction motor fed by various voltage sources:
i) an ideal sinusoidal source, ii) a PWM voltage- source-inverter (VSI), and
iii) a six-step VSI. A two-dimensional nonlinear time-stepping finite element
method (FEM) is used for electromagnetic field approximation when the motor
is under a full-load steady-state revolution. To solve this time-dependent
problem, the numerical backward-difference integration is applied. Due to the
saturation characteristic of the magnetic materials, the combined
Newton-Raphson (N-R) with bi-conjugate gradient (BCG) method is employed to
handle the nonlinearity and to solve the linearized equations. The approach
has been applied to evaluate the mechanical vibrations of the motors in
associate with the geometry of the rotor slots. Also, the effects of
nonsinusoidal supply voltages on the current harmonics have been
Mechanical Vibration, Electromagnetic Force, Computer Simulation, Finite
Element Method, Induction Motors, Current Harmonics, Rotor Slots
Title of the Paper: A
New Type Compositive Hybrid Power System-E.T.Driver and its Application in HEV
Authors: Dong Yue-Hang,
Zhang Yong, Yin Cheng-Liang, Zhang Jian-Wu, Chen Li
Abstract: Hybrid power system is one of the kernel technologies of hybrid
electric vehicles (HEV). The performance of HEV is greatly determined by the
capability of hybrid power system. The hybrid power system has already
developed from discrete structure into integrative structure in past ten
years. The research of compositive hybrid power system is a very important
and a new research field now and in the future. The Electrical Transmission
Driver (E.T.Driver) is a compositive hybrid power system. The basic
principle, constitution and the characteristics of E.T.Driver, which is based
on Automatic Mechanical Transmission (AMT), have been introduced. The effect
of E.T.Driver on gear shift quality, driving smoothness and riding comfort for
HEV has been studied during gear shift course. A simulation model to analyze
the gear shift application and gear shift strategy of E.T.Driver during gear
shift course in HEV has been established by using the simulation software of
ITI Company in Germany. The results of simulation and experiment show the
proposed control strategies and special structure of E.T.Driver greatly
improve the gear shift quality and driving smoothness during the gear shift
electrical transmission driver (E.T.Driver); hybrid electric vehicles(HEV); gear shift
quality; driving smoothness; modeling
Title of the Paper:
Emerging Issues in IT Governance: Implementing the Corporate IT Risks
Management Model
Authors: Mario Spremic, Matija Popovic
Abstract: Most organizations in all sectors of industry, commerce and
government are fundamentally dependent on their information systems (IS) and
would quickly cease to function should the technology (preferably information
technology – IT) that underpins their activities ever come to halt [15]. The
IT developments may have enormous implications for the operation, structure
and strategy of organizations. IT may contribute towards efficiency,
productivity and competitiveness improvements of both inter-organizational
and intra-organizational systems [1]. Successful organizations manage IT
function in much the same way that they manage their other strategic
functions and processes. This in particular means that they understand and
manage risks associated with growing IT opportunities as well as critical
dependence of many business processes on IT and vice-versa. IT risk
management issues are not only any more marginal or ‘technical’ problems and
become more and more a ‘business problem’. Therefore, in this paper a
Corporate IT Risk Management model is proposed and contemporary frameworks of
IT Governance and IT Audit explained. Also the methodologies for their
implementation (CobiT, ISO 27000 ‘family’, ITIL) is shown and explained.
IT Governance, IT Audit, IT Risk Management, Corporate IT Risk Management
Model, CobiT
Title of the Paper: Web
Metrics for Managing Quality and Auditing Croatian Hotel Websites – Cluster
Authors: Mario Spremic,
Bozidar Jakovic, Mirjana Pejic Bach
Abstract: Intensive use of e-business can provide number of opportunities and
actual benefits to companies of all activities and sizes. In general, through
the use of web sites companies can create global presence and widen business
boundaries. Many organizations now have websites to complement their other
activities, but it is likely that a smaller proportion really know how
successful their sites are and in what extent they comply with business
objectives. A key enabler of web sites measurement is web site analytics and metrics.
Web sites analytics especially refers to the use of data collected from a web
site to determine which aspects of the web site work towards the business
objectives. Advanced web analytics must play an important role in overall
company strategy and should converge to web intelligence – a specific part of
business intelligence which collect and analyze information collected from
web sites and apply them in relevant ‘business’ context. This paper examines
the importance of measuring the web site quality of the Croatian hotels. Wide
range of web site metrics are discussed and finally a set of 8 dimensions and
44 attributes chosen for the evaluation of Croatian hotel’s web site quality.
The objective of the survey conducted on the 30 hotels was to identify
different groups of hotel web sites in relation to their quality measured
with specific web metrics. Key research question was: can hotel web sites be
placed into meaningful groups by consideration of variation in web metrics
and number of hotel stars? To confirm the reliability of chosen metrics a
Cronbach's alpha test was conducted. Apart from descriptive statistics tools,
to answer the posed research question, clustering analysis was conducted and
the characteristics of the three clusters were considered. Experiences and
best practices of the hotel web sites clusters are taken as the prime source
of recommendation for improving web sites quality level.
web metrics, hotel web sites, web analytics, web site audit, web site
quality, cluster analysis
Title of the Paper:
Multiple Noise-Enhanced Stability Versus Temperature in Asymmetric Bistable
Authors: Romi Mankin,
Erkki Soika, Ako Sauga
Abstract: We explore the problem of noise-enhanced stability occurring in an
asymmetric double well potential when Brownian particles are driven by
trichotomous noise and thermal noise in a dynamical regime where inertial
effects can safely be neglected. In the stationary state, we exactly
calculate the spatial density profile of the particles and the occupancy
ratio between two potential wells. We show that, by conveniently choosing the
system parameters, the occupancy of a metastable state is a double peaked
function of thermal noise intensity. Thus, thermal noise may facilitate the
occupation of the potential minima with an energy above the absolute minimum
at certain finite values of temperature. The effect is more pronounced in
case the kurtosis of the trichotomous noise tends to −2, i.e., in the
case of dichotomous noise.
Noise-enhanced stability, stochastic dynamics, trichotomous noise, metastable
state, thermal noise, bistable potential
Title of the Paper:
Modelling of Rough-Fuzzy Classifier
Authors: Krupka
Jirí, Jirava Pavel
Abstract: The paper reflects the trend of the past years which is based on
the diffusion of various traditional approaches and methods to the way of
tackling new problems, in this case to the classification. Two components of
the computational intelligence are applied in a classification model. It
means rough and fuzzy sets on the basis of which the data classification
hybrid model is proposed. In the second part the current knowledge in the
investigated field are summarized and briefly explained. The algorithm for
uncertain data operations and conditioned rules generation is introduced too.
We have brought in an original toolbox called RSTbox for data processing and
automatic rules generation. Proposed model and toolbox are carried out in
MATLAB, tested on more data files, and compared to others, already known
classification methods.
Classification, rough sets theory, fuzzy sets theory, rules generation,
hybrid model, evaluation
Title of the Paper:
Computer-Aided Diagnosis System for Retinal Diseases in Medical Imaging
Authors: Marius Cristian
Luculescu, Simona Lache
Abstract: Bordering on important domains – engineering, medicine and
informatics, involving not only knowledge regarding the biosystems structure
and functionality, but also knowledge and skills from technical and IT
systems, the paper presents the results of some researches on biological
human visual structures concerning the diagnosis of visual diseases, namely
the macular ones. This highly important transdisciplinary topic combines
aspects from biosystems (human visual system), image acquisition and
processing (medical imaging), artificial intelligence techniques (neural
networks) and information management (databases). Starting from classical or
digital retina images, using neural networks image recognition algorithms,
the Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CADx) system identifies macular diseases with
high precision. Images are stored in databases together with patient personal
details and treatments and diagnosis information. The software includes image
processing modules, databases and artificial neural networks that can be
trained for recognizing images of new diseases or for improving sensitivity
and specificity of the system. The Computer-Aided Diagnosis reduces the
doctor’s level of incertitude regarding some diseases, improves the initial
and evolutional identification precision of disease, allows monitoring the
health status of the patient during new treatment methods, stores images in
digital format and generates diagnoses databases that can be explored in
research, medical practice and specialized teaching. Using such a system
increases the quality and accessibility of medical services.
computer-aided diagnosis, neural networks, image processing, ophthalmology,
macula, retina
Issue 4, Volume 7, April 2008
Title of the Paper: Grid
Resource Discovery Based on Semantic
Authors: Yuefeng Fang,
Kun Gao, Xiaoyong Wang
Abstract: An important aspect of Grid computing is publication resource
service and discovery resource service. Grid computing is based on this kind
of mechanism. A Grid service is an extended Web service that conforms to the
Open Grid Service Infrastructure (OGSI) specification. The shortcoming of
current Web service technology only provides syntactic description. In this
paper, we analyze the limitations for current Web Service standards and point
out that semantic description is the basis for automatic service discovery.
We propose a novel semantics based Grid Service framework which support
publishing and discovery of Grid Service very well. The experimental result
demonstrates that the framework has good performance.
Grid Services, Web Service, Semantic Web, Grid Computation
Title of the Paper:
Predicting performance of Grid based on Rough Set
Authors: Kun Gao,
Zhongwei Chen, Meiqun Liu
Abstract: In dynamic environment, the performance is restricted by various
components, so we can not determine the contribution to performanc using
traditional method. In this paper, we propose a novel method for predicting
the performance in Grid Computing environment. We use the concept of Reduct
in Rough Set theory and history record collected during a period of time to
predict the applications runtime that the traditional methods can't obtain.
We use the novel method in Data Ming Grid. The approach is based on
frequencies of attributes appeared in discernibility matrix. The theoretical
foundation of rough sets provides an intuitive solution to the problem of
application run time estimation on Data Ming Grid. The results of the
experiment show that the use of Rough Set theory can process uncertain
problem in distributed and dynamic environment, and obtain better result than
traditional methods.
Performance Evaluation, Distributed computing, soft computing
Title of the Paper: An
Algorithm for Improving the Accuracy of Z-Coordinate Determination for USBL
Authors: Mikhail
Abstract: This paper presents an approach to resolve the problem of low
Z-coordinate determination accuracy for ultra-short baseline (USBL) acoustic
systems in which the location measurement of the underwater objects is based
on the determination of the distance to the object and the angle object
position. The antenna with five receiving elements and different spatial
orientation of receiving bases is proposed. It is assumed that the receiving
antenna may have the significant inclinations and the orientation of the USBL
antenna which is controlled by measuring of the pitch and roll angles. The
problem of the low precision Z-coordinate determination is resolved by means
of utilizing various spatial orientations of the receiving bases in a
modernized five element USBL system. The computer simulation results of the
proposed algorithm are presented to demonstrate reliable operation of the
algorithm for different angular antenna positions and various locations of
the object. The results of the calculation of the errors of the determination
of the object coordinates and accuracy evaluation of modernized USBL system
are presented.
Ultra-short baseline (USBL) system, underwater object, transponder, carrier
coordinate system, local coordinate systems, pitch and roll angles.
Title of the Paper:
Research on Agent Communication Model and Its Application in Electric System
Authors: Taowei
Qin Wang, Kun Gao, Yibo Ren
Abstract: It is important of Agent communication for the reality of
coordination, cooperation and consistency in multi-Agent system. In this
paper, an architecture of Agent communication is given. In order to decrease
the working capacity to maintain the communication protocol, using the KQML
as the basic Agent communication language, the paper proposes an Agent
communication model based on dynamic modification to communication protocol
where a new protocol is added or modified without changing the protocol
software’s source code. Based on study of the multi-Agent technology and
electric system structure characteristics, the paper presents the layered
software architecture of electric system and implementation model.
Furthermore, according to the difficulty to debug of the communication
protocol in actual electric system, the proposed Agent communication model
can be used for decreasing the working capacity to maintain the system’s
communication protocols, and the results show that the model enhances the
system’s adaptability and stability.
Agent, Multi-Agent system, Agent communication language, KQML, Protocol rule
database, Protocol Agent
Title of the Paper:
Research and Implementation on Genetic Algorithms for Graph Fitness
Authors: Jin Min, Wang
Qin, Xi Lifeng
Abstract: Graph fitness optimization is a difficult problem in data fitness.
Genetic algorithms (GAs), which can yield accurate results if they start with
suitable parameters, have been used to solve difficult problems with
objective functions which usually are multi-modal, discontinuous, and
nondifferentiable. In this paper, we design a genetic algorithm (GA) to
optimize effect on self-affine fractal interpolation function (AFIF) and give
result. The software was tested on realistic graphs. The validation and
effectiveness of the method to be able to find the optimal fractal function
are presented and demonstrated.
Graph Fitness; Optimization; Genetic Algorithm; Fractal; AFIF
Title of the Paper:
Image Retrieval Method Based on Entropy and Fractal Coding
Authors: Liangbin Zhang,
Lifeng Xi, Bishui Zhou
Abstract: In content-based image retrieval system, describing and extracting
image’s feature is a key question. An image can be characterized by its
fractal codes, and fractal codes can be used as the image’s feature to
retrieve the images effectively. This paper proposes a novel image retrieval
method using information entropy and fractal coding. First, each image in the
database is classified by computing information entropy which is compared
with a given threshold estimated from the inquired image. Second, the
inquired image’s fractal codes are generated via Jacquin method, which is
applied to the same kind of database images with fractal tenth iteration
decoding. Finally, the image retrieval result is obtained by matching the
similar Euclidean distance between the inquired image and the iterated
decoded image. Experimental results show that compared with the direct image
pixels similar matching strategy, our scheme not only reduces retrieval
complexity and retrieval time, but also guarantees the retrieval rate. Thus
our proposed method is effective and feasible.
Fractal coding; Image information entropy; Image retrieval; Similar
Title of the Paper:
Research on Key Technology for Building High-Efficiency Informational
Supervision Platform to Realize Global Logistics
Authors: Wang Xiaoyong,
Xiao Siyou, Fang Yuefeng, Li Jifang
Abstract: The paper focuses on building key technology of global logistics on
high-efficiency informational supervision Platform, such as common sharing of
global information in the process of production, transportation and storing
or withdrawal based on internet technology, collection of real time
information about goods and vehicles by ZigBee node, the connection of nodal
operation and logistical management platform by the network and common sharing
of internet to realize the intelligent management process in the goods
production, transportation and delivery center, namely the goods tracing in
the global logistics system.
High-efficiency logistics; ZigBee ; Wireless Network Platform ;key
technology; informational supervision platform; global goods tracing system
Title of the Paper: An
Application of L-System and IFS in 3D Fractal Simulation
Authors: Deng Fang, Xi
Abstract: L-system and IFS are used to the plant’s simulation. In this paper
the theories of L-system and IFS were concisely described. The excellence and
short of constructing Fractal image with L-system or IFS were discussed. So a
method was put forward in this paper. At last the three-dimension tree model
ceatrs successfully based on L-system and IFS.
L-system, IFS, Fractal Simulation, OpenGL
Title of the Paper:
Investigation on
Spectrum of the Adjacency Matrix and Laplacian Matrix of Graph Gl
Authors: Shuhua Yin
Abstract: Let Gl be the graph obtained from Kl by adhering the root of
isomorphic trees T to every vertex of Kl, and dk−j+1 be the degree of
vertices in the level j. In this paper we study the spectrum of the adjacency
matrix A(Gl) and the Laplacian matrix L(Gl) for all positive integer l, and
give some results about the spectrum of the adjacency matrix A(Gl) and the
Laplacian matrix L(Gl). By using these results, an upper bound for the
largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix A(Gl) is obtained: 
and an
upper bound for the largest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix L(Gl) is also
Adjacency matrix, Laplacian matrix, complete graph, spectrum
Title of the Paper: A
Novel Architecture for Data Mining Grid Scheduler
Authors: Meiqun Liu, Kun
Gao, Zhong Wan
Abstract: In order to improve the performance of Data Mining applications, an
effective method is task parallelization. The scheduler on Grid plays an
important role to management subtasks so as to achieve high performance. We
introduce an additional component that we call serializer, whose purpose is
to decompose the tasks into a series of independent tasks according the
directed acyclic graph (DAG), and send them to the scheduler queue as soon as
they become executable with respect to the DAG dependencies. The experimental
result demonstrates that the architecture has good performance.
Scheduling Architecture, Knowledge Grid, Data Mining.
Title of the Paper:
Research on Asynchronous Motor Vector Control System based on Rotor
Parameters Time-Varying
Authors: Aimin Yang,
Junping Wu, Wenxiang Zhang, Xianhong Kan
Abstract: On the basis of the asynchronous motor equations in the M-T reference frame
rotating at synchronous speed, the paper, in detail, analyses the affect of
the rotor parameters, including reluctance and inductance, to the performance
of the Flux-Observation based Vector Control. Considering the time-varying of
rotor parameters along with the running state in the real experimental
systems and the AC motor model included in the SimPowerSystems of Matlab can
not change its own rotor parameters with time, an AC model is built, which
can simulate real-time changes of its rotor parameters, making use of
S-Function in MATLAB. Based on the model, a whole Vector Control simulation
system is established, and for the first time, respectively it is implemented
that the simulation and analysis of the system on the condition of both
neglecting and considering the time-varying of rotor parameters. It is
indicated that, from the simulation results, the variations of the rotor
parameters resulting from the Skin Effect make the dynamic performance of AC
Vector Control get worse. At the same time , A control system based on the
TMS320F2812 digital signal processor produced by Texas Instruments is
designed, the design of control circuit and control soft is accomplished. The
paper adopts VC++ soft to compile the observation interface of Pc. The
experimentation indicates the control system can implement the scheme and the
control performance is fine.
Asynchronous Motor; Vector Control; S-Function; Dynamic Simulation;
simulation model; rotor parameters
Title of the Paper: Three
Life Insurance Model Research--Family Unite the Insurance Model
Authors: Jianxin Bi
Abstract: Interest rate is assumed for the constant in some insurance
references. They include the calculation of spouse allied scheme insurance
premium and reserve and calculation of family combined insurance premium
under the constant interest rate.Interest randomness in life insurance has
received considerable attention in recent literatures on actuarial theory and
its applications. In order to avoid the risk induced by interest randomness,
we consider the force of interest function as a Wiener process. In this
paper, we build an actuarial model for family combined insurance under fixed
interest and random rate of interest differently. First, the family condition
in the future is analyzed. In analyzing about muliti-life function,
introducing the situation of three element, especially while considering the
death order, consider a person dies before other two people (state of jointly
surviving). Second, two kinds of association situations and two models are
considered here. The first place is the couple and only children; the second
place is couple own. At the last, the actuarial present value on the life
insurance and annuity are calculated.
life insurance, actuarial, survival function, random rate, multi-element life
function,Wiener processs
Title of the Paper: The
Numerical Analyze of the Human Behavior in a Vibrational Medium
Authors: Barbu Daniela
Mariana, Lache Simona, Barbu Ion
Abstract: The vibration environment is a common man-made artificial
surrounding with which humans have a limited tolerance to cope due to their
body dynamics. This paper studies the dynamic characteristics of a standing
human body system in a vibration environment. The main result is a multi
degrees of freedom lumped parameter model that synthesizes two basic
dynamics. First consists in global human dynamics, the apparent mass
phenomenon, including a systematic set of the model parameters for simulating
various conditions like body posture, backrest, footrest, muscle tension, and
vibration directions and the second in local human dynamics, represented by
the human pelvis/vibrating seat contact, using a cushioning interface. The
model provided an analytical tool for human body dynamics research. It also
enabled a primary tool for seat and cushioning design. Combining the geometry
and the mechanical characteristics of a structure under large deformation
into a lumped parameter model enables successful analysis of the human/seat
interface system and provides practical results for body protection in
dynamic environment. This paper focuses on our contributions of the numerical
and experimental models in this area.
Human Body, Vibration, Modeling, Simulation, Experimental Research, Body
Issue 5, Volume 7, May 2008
Title of the Paper:
Management Flight Simulators; A New Approach to the Development of Decision
Support Systems
Authors: George
Papageorgiou, Andreas Hadjis, Kristina Abrosimova
Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the System Dynamics methods and
the existing knowledge and practices for the development Management Flight
Simulators. Management Flight Simulators constitute the ultimate cybernetic
method for learning and testing strategies prior to implementation. The main
issues and trends in the field are identified, and new views to the
development of System Dynamics simulation models are suggested. Having gone through
a review process of relevant sources, a conceptual framework for the
development of System Dynamics Management Flight Simulators is proposed. The
proposed framework would be particularly useful for researchers in the field
but also for practitioners and developers of decision support systems.
System Dynamics, Management Flight Simulators, Microworlds, Modeling and
Simulation, Cybernetics, Decision Support Systems
Title of the Paper: A
Design of Index Library using Management Information Modeling in Moving
Picture Contents
Authors: Young Jun Kim
Abstract: This is a system for extracting a specific portion of content. When
a desired portion is extracted so that contents service can be provided a
plurality of users extract a beginning time and an ending time of a specific
frame in case of moving picture content and carry out a temporal indexing
operation. When searching for the specific portion after extracting a
beginning point and an ending point of the specific portion in case of still
picture content and carrying out a spatial indexing operation, the plurality
of users retrieve and display the specific portion from an indexed database.
Therefore, the plurality of users can carry out the indexing operation for
one file to organize a search database without correcting an original file
and can extract the specific portion of content. Moreover, because the specific
portion of content can be extracted and the extracted specific portion can be
displayed and edited, all file formats can be controlled irrespective of a
file format.
Contents management, index library, moving picture contents, still picture
contents, semantic unit, temporal controller, spatial controller.
Title of the Paper:
Optimal Sliding-mode Control Scheme for the Position Tracking Servo System
Authors: Jiang Jing, Ye
Yingying, Fang Yanxian
Abstract: Systems having structural uncertainties or a known complicated
structure are difficult to control. Modeling of the uncertainties or handling
the deterministic complexity are typical problems frequently encountered in
the field of systems and control engineering. The dynamic characteristics of
such systems are usually very complex and highly nonlinear. A new design
approach of an optimal sliding-mode variable structure controller with
integral compensation is presented for the position tracking servo control
system in this paper. The method for obtaining switching function, integral
gain and control function is also given. It can achieve accurate servo tracking
in the presence of the disturbance and the plant parameter variation.
Simulation results show that the new control algorithm exhibits the better
control performance than the classical control method, and the rapidness and
robustness of the system are improved. Moreover, its realization is simple
and convenient.
Nonlinear system, variable structure control, sliding mode, switching
function, control function, integral gain.
Title of the Paper:
Linear Time-Varying Systems: Theory and Identification of Model Parameters
Authors: Kyarash Shahriari,
Stanislaw Tarasiewicz, Olivier Adrot
Abstract: A strategy is proposed to model the complex industrial systems
using linear time-varying system (LTV S). The proposed methodology is
independent of model structure and the model may take any classic linear
structure such as finite impulse response, input-output relation structures
etc. To take into account the error between system and model due to model
order reduction, variation of system behavior in time and perturbations,
model’s parameters are considered varying but bounded variables characterized
by intervals. The output of this model is characterized by a function of the
piecewise linear parameters which contains all possible system’s responses
taking into account modeling error as well as the perturbations.
Time-Varying System, Identification of Model Parameters, Interval Analysis.
Title of the Paper:
Effects of Management Innovation on Telecommunication Industry System
Authors: Weiwei Wu,
Qiang Chen, Bo Yu, Hui He
Abstract: Management innovation is one of the important factors to promote
the development of the industry system except capital, labor and technology.
But a little attention is paid to the effects of management innovation on
telecommunication industry system, which results in two questions: what’s the
contribution of management innovation on industry development? And how does
management innovation affect industry development? This paper addresses the
two main research questions by taking China’s telecommunication industry as
an example. The Cobb-Douglas production function model is improved to measure
the contribution of management innovation, and the mode of management
innovation affecting industrial development is also explained. The results
show that management innovation exerts great influences on telecommunication
industry system with its contribution degree increasing gradually, and
management innovation is the core element relating labor, capital and
technology in industry development. Based on these, dynamic models for the
industry system are constructed, and conclusions and implications are given
in the final part of the paper.
Management innovation, Telecommunication industry system, Production
function, Dynamic model
Title of the Paper: An
Application of Fuzzy Delphi and Fuzzy AHP for Multi-criteria Evaluation Model
of Fourth Party Logistics
Authors: Jao-Hong Cheng,
Shiuann-Shuoh Chen, Yu-Wei Chuang
Abstract: In the global tide, modern businesses face a high uncertainty and
heavy variation of degree in the dynamic environment. Organizations have to
maintain their competitive advantage by applying IT continuously; therefore,
the condition forces business models to differ greatly from before. When
businesses want to achieve supply chain integration, they may outsource their
parts of businesses to fourth party logistics (4PLs) company. 4PLs company
plays the role of integrator, which provides both information technology and
supply chain integration capabilities. It not only creates different values
of each segment in the supply chain, but also elevates the effects in supply
chain management for business. Therefore, how to select an appropriate 4PLs
company is an important decision for business. Through this study, we can
understand these evaluation criteria and their weights, so as to aid the
selection of 4PLs for businesses.
Fourth Party Logistics, Supply Chain Integration Capabilities, Information
Technology Capabilities, Fuzzy Delphi Method, Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy
Title of the Paper:
Electromagnetic Torque Analysis of a DFIG for Wind Turbines
Authors: Jurica Smajo,
Dinko Vukadinovic
Abstract: Electromagnetic torque of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) is
a consequence of the rotor and stator supply. The stator voltage has a fixed
amount and frequency. The rotor voltage of the DFIG as a part of a wind
turbine has a variable amount and frequency. The aim of this paper is an
investigation of the torque-speed characteristics of the DFIG depending on
the amount of the stator and rotor voltage space vectors and angle δ
between them. A mathematical model of DFIG for steady-state modes in a known
double-axis dq reference frame concerned with stator voltage vector has been
made. Expressions concerning DFIG power from both the rotor and the stator
side have been derived. Expressions regarding torque values have been
obtained from the generator active power and mechanical rotational speed.
Torque consists of asynchronous and synchronous torque components, whereas
DFIG has been observed as a hybrid between asynchronous and synchronous
machine. The asynchronous torque and the synchronous torque depend on the
amount of the stator and rotor voltage space vectors. The synchronous torque
depends on the angle between stator and rotor space vectors δ, while
asynchronous component do not depend on the angle δ.
DFIG, Electromagnetic torque, Wind turbine, Renewable energy
Title of the Paper:
Oesophageal Voice Acoustic Parameterization by Means of Optimum Shimmer
Authors: B. Garcia,
I. Ruiz, A. Mendez, M. Mendezona
Abstract: This paper presents an algorithm which works with oesophageal voice
and aims to automatically calculate different measurements of shimmer
parameter. The evaluation has required a novel processing for the detection
of the periodicity cycles and instants in order to calculate amplitude
perturbations of vocal signals. The designed algorithm performs the
calculusof pitch in an automatic way with a mean maximum inaccuracy of 0.46%
for oesophageal voices which is a novelty. The shimmer calculation process
has been optimized in order to obtain a higher variation range in
pathological cases. Thus, it will allow using such parameter as reference in
diagnosis and rehabilitation processes, reaching a 51,741% of shimmer
increment for oesophageal voices.
Oesophageal voice, Acoustic signal analysis, Acoustic measurements, Amplitude
Title of the Paper:
Knowledge Organization Using Shapes Extraction from Web Pages in an
Auto-Adaptive System
Authors: Camille Havas,
Othalia Larue, Mickael Camus
Abstract: Computer Science has always been on a quest for autonomy. Neural
networks are quite competitive, however common machines do not satisfy their
expectations. Complex systems and auto-adaptive systems are emerging. In this
paper a simple shape recognition is combined to a powerfull knowledge
organization. Here we explain the development of a new type of agent in the
Camus and Cardon system: the web agent. This agent is able to extract the
images from web pages and will soon be able to associate the extracted shapes
to the extracted words from the web pages. This project is developed with the
Oz/Mozart system and based on the Camus and Cardon multi-agent system. A new
type of agent has been created for this purpose. Experiments are discussed at
the end of the paper. The system is able to understand its environment and to
make autonomous decisions based on this environment.
auto-adaptive system, multi-agent system, ontology, neural network, knowledge
organization, shape recognition, Oz/Mozart
Title of the Paper: DEA
Advanced Models for Geometric Evaluation of used Lathes
Authors: Joao
Carlos Correia Baptista Soares De Mello, Eliane Goncalves Gomes, Lidia Angulo
Meza, Fabiana Rodrigues Leta
Abstract: This paper presents a preliminary study of the quality of lathes
using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) as a multicriteria tool. Its purpose is
to aggregate several measurements that show geometrical errors to obtain one
single measurement that will be free of subjective opinions. Due to the small
number of DMUs, additional techniques other than the DEA CCR model (super
efficiency, cross-evaluation, inverted frontier and weights restrictions) are
reviewed and used to differentiate between otherwise identical efficiency
scores. The specificity of this problem required some changes in the
above-mentioned methods. The models were applied to four lathes at the
Fluminense Federal University Machine Shop.
Data envelopment analysis; Machine tools; Decision aid
Title of the Paper:
PC-Base Impedance Measurement System for Piezoelectric Transducers and its
Implementation on Elements Values Extraction of Lump Circuit Model
Authors: Yeong-Chin
Chen, Lon-Chen Hung, Shuh-Han Chao, Tseng-Hsu Chien
Abstract: Tonpiltz transducer are the popular elements for sonar array. The
transducer of the simplify electrical equivalent circuit is discussed, and a
method for determining element values at or near resonance is described.
Meanwhile a PC-base impedance measurement system is developed to estimate the
elements value of transducer’s lump circuit model. An example illustrates the
application of the method in the design of a matching transformer for a high
power acoustical transmitter.
PC-base, Impedance measurement system, Piezoelectric transducers, Elements
values extraction, lump circuit model
Title of the Paper:
Research on Vector Decoupled system of the Machine based on Internal Model
Current Control
Authors: Wenxiang Zhang,
Xianhong Kan, Aimin Yang
Abstract: On the basis of the dynamic asynchronous motor model in the d—q
reference frame rotating at synchronous speed, the article, taking
alternating current machine as example, introduces internal model control
into current control on basis of the alternating inductive machine
mathematical models under synchronous rotating coordinate, and designs the
parameters of adjustor. Considering the machine magnetism saturation to
different extent caused by load change in real course and so-caused nonlinear
change of machine parameters,Internal Model Control method was introduced,
based on which and rotor flux oriented vector control, the stator current
controllers were detailedly designed. Considering the parameters nonlinearity
caused by different extent flux saturation along with the variations of
torque load in the real experimental systems, robustness of the current
internal model controller to such nonlinear parameters was analyzed. Based on
the model, a whole Vector Control simulation system and experiment setup were
established, and subsequently the simulation and experimental studies were
carried out respectively with and without flux saturation. It was indicated
that, from the results, the current internal model controllers could provide
good steady-state and dynamic decoupled performance under both model matching
and model mismatching.
asynchronous, vector transformation, decoupled control, field-orientation,
internal model current control, Systematic modeling
Title of the Paper:
Factoring of Multiple Function Wavelet Production Sampling
Authors: Zhongwei Chen,
Kun Gao, Guowei Huang
Abstract: Importance sampling methods of wavelet products can deal with some
direct rendering applications with only two functions. For multiple functions
sampling that are more useful in global rendering, we present a wavelet-based
factor method to simplify multiple function integral into triple function
product issues. Then an optimal wavelet product representation is introduced.
Major algorithms with pseudo code are in detail to reduce computation by a
strategy for hierarchically sampling a wavelet tree.
Monte Carlo Integral; Wavelet Product; Importance Sampling; Dynamic Rendering
Title of the Paper: A
Novel Solution for the Hausdorff Measure Computation of Sierpinski Carpet
Authors: Qili Xiao,
Lifeng Xi, Jifang Li
Abstract: The computation of the Hausdorff measure of fractals is the basic
problem in fractal geometry. However, this is very difficult. The genetic
algorithm is one of optimization algorithms to resolve complicated problems
of wide scope, and has great capabilities in self-organizing, self-adaptation
and self-learning. Lifeng Xi professor put forward to the thought of
computing the Hausdorff measure of fractals using the genetic algorithm
several years ago. In this paper, we mainly discuss the realization of the
genetic algorithm on the Sierpinski carpet with compression ratio 1/4 in
detail, including the encoding and decoding method, generation of the initial
population, fitness computation, and genetic operators. Finally the Hausdorff
measure of the Sierpinski carpet with compression ratio 1/4 is obtained.
Experimental results show that the genetic algorithm is an effective and
universal method of calculation of the Hausdorff measure.
Sierpinski carpet; Hausdorff measure; genetic algorithm
Title of the Paper: Use
of Ferrofluids for Bushing Cooling and On-Line Monitoring
Authors: Silvius
Dorel Nedelcut, Victor Proca, Dorina Mioara Purcaru
Abstract: This paper reviews all the advantages of the on-line monitoring and
presents an equipment for on-line monitoring of bushings, which is the own
contribution of specialists who are the authors of this paper. The paper
presents a study of the temperature field, using the finite element method.
For carrying out this study, the 3D modelling of the above mentioned bushing
was performed. The analysis study is done taking into account the extreme
thermal stresses, focusing at the level of the first cooling wing section of
the ceramic insulator. This fact enables to justify the tan variation in
time, depending on the transformer loading and the environmental conditions.
With a view to reducing the variation of dielectric losses in bushing
insulation, the use of ferrofuids instead of mineral oils is proposed.
Monitoring, dielectric losses, ferrofluids, bushing
Title of the Paper: A
Rapid MPPT Algorithm Based on the Research of Solar Cell’s Diode Factor and
Reverse Saturation Current
Authors: Liu Li-Qun,
Wang Zhi-Xin
Abstract: An efficient Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm is
important to increase the output efficiency of a photovoltaic (PV) generate
system. The conventional method have some problems in that it is impossible
to quickly acquire the generation power at the maximum power (MP) point,
i.e., the efficiency of electric power generation is very low, and the amount
of electric power generated by solar cell is always changing with weather
conditions. Normally, the different solar cells have different diode factor
(n) and reverse saturation current (Io). Theoretical and simulative results
show that the approximately linear relationship exists between the optimal
output current and the short-circuit current, and if the weather conditions
are sameness, a piece of solar cell have same photocurrent under different
diode factor n and reverse saturation current Io conditions. A new combined
perturb and observe (PO) method is described in order to acquire the actual
diode factor and reverse saturation current. This paper describes a rapid
maximum power point tracking method which is based on the actual n and Io. An
expiatory program is applied to acquire the actual maximum power point. The
correctness and validity of expiatory coefficients is verified through
simulation. The simulation results verified the correctness and validity of
MPPT algorithm.
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), Renewable energy, Photovoltaic (PV)
system, Diode factor, Reverse saturation current, Photocurrent
Title of the Paper: Application
of Computer Simulation for the Design of a New High Voltage Transducer, Aiming
to High Voltage Measurements at Field, for DC Measurements and Power Quality
Authors: Hedio Tatizawa,
Geraldo F. Burani, Paulo F. Obase
Abstract: This paper shows the development of an improved high voltage
transducer for field application, for DC measurements and for use in power
quality studies. This paper shows the application of computer simulations
using PSPICE program Student version [1], where many different approaches and
solutions are analyzed, aiming to the damping of voltage oscillations in the
capacitive divider output, caused by inductances present in field
measurements, besides of the inherent undamped behavior of the capacitive
divider, and for reducing the electromagnetic interferences during the
Capacitive divider, high voltage, PSPICE, switching transients, high voltage
measurements, atmospheric impulse voltages
Title of the Paper:
Speaker Recognition Techniques for Remote Authentication of Users in Computer
Authors: Adriano Petry,
Sidcley S. Soares, Gilberto F. Marchioro, Analucia S. M. De Franceschi
Abstract: This work shows the main characteristics of a system designed to
improve security in Internet transactions using a biometric measure: the
speech. First, it is given a general overview of the proposed system,
developed using Java and C++ programming languages. After that, the main
characteristics of the system building blocks are shown, focusing on the
techniques for speaker recognition, database, client/server communication and
management, and user interface application. The processing load is
distributed in this system. The client side is basically responsible for
speech acquisition and feature parameters extraction. The server side is
responsible for voiceprint generation (on the training phase) or similarity
measure between a voiceprint and some feature parameters (on recognition
phase). In order to reduce the amount of data transmission, this distributed
architecture presents the advantage of transmitting only the feature
parameters over the network, instead of the complete wave signal. The
acceptance or rejection of a speech identity is based on a pre-defined
similarity threshold. Tests using speech database composed of 50 different
speakers presented equal error rate (EER) of approximately 1.3%. At the end,
the main results obtained from the interaction of the system with several
different users are discussed. Besides that, accuracy test results are shown,
and future works are addressed.
Speaker recognition, Speech processing, Biometrics, Authentication, Computer
networks, Internet security
Title of the Paper:
Fuzzy Forecasting Applications on Supply Chains
Authors: Hakan Tozan,
Ozalp Vayvay
Abstract: Demand forecasting; which sound basis for decision making process,
is among the key activities that directly affect the supply chain
performance. As the demand pattern varies from system to system,
determination of the appropriate forecasting model that best fits the demand
pattern is a hard decision in management of supply chains. The whiplash
effect can be express as the variability of the demand information between
stages of the supply chain and the increase of this variability as the
information moves upstream through the chain. The usage of proper demand forecasting
model that is adequate for the demand pattern is an important step for
smoothing this undesirable variability. This paper evaluates the effects of
fuzzy linear regression, fuzzy time series and fuzzy grey GM (1,1)
forecasting models on supply chain performance quantifying the demand
variability (i.e. whiplash) through the stages of a near beer game supply
chain simulation model expanded with fuzzy parameters.
Forecasting, Supply chain, Fuzzy regression, Fuzzy time series, Grey fuzzy
Issue 6, Volume 7, June 2008
Title of the Paper:
Survey: Detection, Recognition and Source Localization of Odor
Authors: Ahmet Kuzu,
Seta Bogosyan, Metin Gokasan
Abstract: This study aims to provide a review for odor detection, recognition
and source localization and ongoing approaches taken to address the problem.
To this aim sensor structures and chemical detection process are introduced.
Next, recognition techniques of odor from detected chemicals are explained.
To introduce source localization problem, the odor dynamics is introduced and
models of odor diffusion mechanisms are discussed from different aspects.
Next, forward and inverse problems for source location are defined and
demonstrated in relation to several applications. A discussion of commonly
utilized estimation methods to solve the localization problem in the
literature is provided; Triangulation Method, Least Squares Method, Maximum
Likelihood Method, PQS are briefly discussed. Finally, a case study for
mobile odor tracking is presented with simulation results.
odor, tracking, plume source localization, diffusion, estimation, PQS
(Process Query System)
Title of the Paper: A
Graph Based Method for Faster Display for Distribution Networks
Authors: Mansoor
Abstract: This paper presents our logical display approach for Distribution
Networks based on the concept of Microsoft graphs. We demonstrate that by
using Microsoft graphs we do not have to redraw the circuits after each
switching operation or after a change in the status of the circuit. This work
is a follow up on our previously published research on the concept of logical
display algorithms which greatly enhances the speed of switching and display
operations as well as making the displayed circuit much more readable and
traceable by the control engineers [1], [2] [3] & [20]. We demonstrate
that by using Microsoft graph concept we can speed up the different switching
and tracing operations by a significant percentage. This contributes to
solving the current problems faced by control engineers in such a way to
enable them to tend to network problems more promptly.
Distribution, network systems, algorithms, logical display, Graphs
Title of the Paper:
Neural and Adaptive Control of a Rigid Link Manipulator
Authors: Dorin Popescu,
Dan Selisteanu, Livia Popescu
Abstract: In this paper a comparison of classical, adaptive and neural
control strategies for a robotic manipulator with two revolute joints is
presented. The conventional computed-torque method is presented, as a
starting point for the design of the adaptive and neural control techniques.
Two adaptive control strategies, a non-model based neural control strategy
and a model based neural control strategy are implemented. Computer
simulations are performed for the control of a rigid manipulator with two
revolute joints, in order to verify the performances of the control
strategies and to make some useful comparisons. If a classical controller
already controls a robot the advantage of proposed structure is that
extension to a model based neural controller for performances improvement is
robotic manipulator, neural control, computed torque control, adaptive
control, trajectory tracking.
Title of the Paper: A
Heuristic Algorithm for the Scheduling Problem of Parallel Machines with Mold
Authors: Tzung-Pei Hong,
Pei-Chen Sun, Shin-Dai Li
Abstract: This paper addresses the scheduling problem of parallel machines
with mold constraints. Each machine has to load one kind of molds to process
a specific job in the production environment. Because it takes lots of time
to change one mold to another on a same machine for producing jobs with
different types, it will be efficient to put all similar jobs together as a
batch production. This way will, however, result in the total tardiness of
jobs increasing due to the different due dates of jobs. This kind of problems
is an NP-hard problem. In this paper, we build a model to describe the
problem and present a heuristic algorithm to solve it.
Scheduling, parallel machines, mold constraints, heuristic.
Title of the Paper:
Improved Three-Step Input Shaping Control of Crane System
Authors: Sirri Sunay
Gurleyuk, Ozgur Bahadir, Yunus Turkkan, Hakan Usenti
Abstract: Shaping command input is performed for reducing residual vibrations
in motion control of dynamical structures. System inputs are changed so that
the structure reaches to planned motion in minimum duration without residual
oscillation. Shaping input is obtained by convolving desired input with an
impulse sequence. Main goal of the input shaper design is to define impulse
amplitudes and their instants from the dynamical behavior of uncontrolled
response. Zero Vibration (ZV), Zero Vibration and Derivative (ZVD) and Extra
Insensitive (EI) are the most common shaper types. Improving the robustness
respect to modeling errors requires more impulses. These increase control
duration and make difficult to solve constraint equations directly. Required
parameters can be determined from the derivation of constraint equations.
This paper presents Three-Step (TS) input shaping technique. A solution space
for three-impulse shaping is given including both positive and negative
shapers. It is shown here that ZVD and EI shapers are the special solution
points in TS shaping space. The duration of the shaper less or more than
ZVD’s can be obtained in the defined space. Some of the new shapers give
better robustness than ZVD. Experimental results from a prototype planar crane
system are used to support the numerical results.
Vibration, Input shaping, Three-step shaper, Planar crane, Robustness,
Command generation
Title of the Paper: An
Approach for Generation of Perception Frames based Fuzzy Neural Network from
Authors: Aleksandar
Milosavljevic, Leonid Stoimenov, Dejan Rancic
Abstract: In this paper we present an approach for generation and
initialization of fuzzy neural networks (FNN) from data. Fuzzy neural
networks are concept that integrates some features of the fuzzy logic and the
artificial neural networks theory. Based on analysis of several different
fuzzy neural networks models, uniform representation method is presented, and
two basic types are identified: FNN based on perception frames, and FNN with
independent rules. Presented algorithm supports generation of fuzzy neural
network based on perception frames through following steps: clustering of a
training set, identification of input variables perception frames, generation
of rules using training set, and training for adaptation using gradient
descent method.
Fuzzy neural networks (FNN), Rule generation, Perception frames, Generalized
Title of the Paper: A
Reversibility Enforcement Approach for Petri Nets Using Invariants
Authors: Hanife Apaydin
Ozkan, Aydin Aybar
Abstract: Petri net model which is one of the most common modelling method of
discrete event systems, is considered to enforce reversibility in this work.
Reversibility guarantees that the intial state is reachable from any state in
the reachability set of given Petri net. An approach, enforcing
reversibility, is presented in this work. In this approach, the minimal
T-invariants and the firing sequences coressponding to the determined
T-invariants are determined. Then, a set of markings, which is a subset of
reachability set, is constructed by using those firing sequences. In this
set, any state can reach to the initial state. Furthemore, the algorithms are
developed for the presented enforcement approach and implemented by using
Discrete event systems, Petri nets, Invariants, Reversibility
Title of the Paper: A
Static Algorithm to Solve the Air Traffic Sequencing Problem
Authors: E. Romano, L. C. Santillo, P. Zoppoli
Abstract: This work contributes to the development of microscopic traffic
performance models in the airport. It enhances the existing models and
develops new ones. An important contribution of this research is the
empirical work, i.e. estimating models using statistically rigorous methods
and microscopic data collected from real traffic. With the ever increasing
congestion at airports around the world, studies into ways of maximizing
infrastructures capacity and minimizing delay costs while meeting the goals
of the airlines are necessary. The methodology applied for the calculation of
runway capacity start from the traffic data elaboration of the Naples
International Airport: we have been determined this aim from the airline
pattern in the above airport. The hourly capacity is calculated as the
inverse of the headway of consecutive aircraft operation; this is drawn with
an average of the time headway in the “critical periods”. The determination
of the “capacity periods" it happens in three phases: in the first one
we are drawn by the sample the stationary periods; in the second we are
considered, of these, only those with the lowest averages time headway, these
are called "critical" periods; subsequently we are examined only
that (critical periods) had time length less than the 60 minutes and that
have an average of time headway that it is almost attested around to a
constant value. The stationary periods, as it says the same definition, are
characterized by the relatives constant time headway, in other words there
aren’t meaningful phenomenon of increase or diminution of the traffic flow.
The critical periods are static periods that are found on the traffic flow
curve defined "critic", this curve we have obtained to envelop some
values that mark the lower limit of the diagram defined time length vs.
averages of the static periods. Defined the critical periods we have been
determined the experimental headway curves and we compared with those
theoretical. Of such experimental curves we have been considered the
characteristics values: the average and the standard deviation. In this way
we have determined a matrix of the average time headway both for operations
flight that for type of airplane. The following step has been that to define
and to implement the analytical model. We suggest a mathematic algorithm that
is able to optimize, a posteriori, the flight operation under the delay
restraint. The algorithm determines the best sequence of aircrafts that
minimizes the delays and it maximizes the runway capacity. The proposed
methodology, even if determine an evident improvement of the runway capacity,
in the respect of thresholds of acceptable average delays (constrain),
represents an initial methodological phase that will desirably conclude in
the determination of a "dynamic" model, that is able to assist the
inspectors' job in way real-time, assigning, opportunely, an excellent
sequence of the successions of flight operations.
scheduling, simulation, airport capacity, aircraft sequencing
Title of the Paper:
Neural Networks Complemented with Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Systems for
Predicting Nitrogenous Effluent Variables in Wastewater Treatment Plants
Authors: Narcis Clara
Abstract: This work focuses on the prediction of the two main nitrogenous
variables that describe the water quality at the effluent of a Wastewater
Treatment Plant. We have developed two kind of Neural Networks architectures
based on considering only one output or, in the other hand, the usual five
effluent variables that define the water quality: suspended solids,
biochemical organic matter, chemical organic matter, total nitrogen and total
Kjedhal nitrogen. Two learning techniques based on a classical adaptative
gradient and a Kalman filter have been implemented. In order to try to
improve generalization and performance we have selected variables by means
genetic algorithms and fuzzy systems. The training, testing and validation
sets show that the final networks are able to learn enough well the simulated
available data specially for the total nitrogen.
Environmental modeling, Wastewater treatment plant, Total nitrogen, Total
kjedhal nitrogen, Neural networks, Genetic algorithms, Fuzzy systems
Title of the Paper:
Modular RFID Parking Management System based on Existed Gate System
Authors: Ming-Shen Jina,
Kuen Shiuh Yang, Chung-Lun Lee
Abstract: In this paper, a Modular RFID Parking Management System that
integrates the existed gate system and RFID is proposed. This system includes
Modular Gate-PC Controller and Embedded Gate Hardware, RFID System, Modular
Parking Management Platform. Most systems in Modular RFID Parking Management
System are modulated and can be substituted for any other similar system or
hardware. The proposed Modular Parking Management Platform is independent of
the operation system on PC and can be embedded in any other modulated parking
system or hardware. The real test and verification proves that the proposed
Modular RFID Parking Management System can certainly reduce the total cost of
RFID parking system infrastructure without re-modifying the existed hardware.
RFID, Parking Management, Embedded, System Integration, Modular.
Title of the Paper: Analysis
of Decision-making Behavior Based on Complex Adaptive System
Authors: Chang-Rui Yu, Yan Luo
Abstract: This paper focuses on the decision-making behavior based on the
complex adaptive system. Firstly, the paper reviewed the related work of the
complex adaptive system and the edge of chaos in complex systems in different
fields. Secondly, a general decision model of an agent is established and the
condition that an agent is just at the edge of chaos is defined. Thirdly,
making use of Langton’s coefficient widely used in the research on cellular
automata, the paper defines the edge of chaos that describes the decision
behavior of agent. Finally, the paper conducts an evolutionary artificial
life experiment. Then the connection between the behavior at the edge of
chaos and the individual adaptability is illustrated.
Decision-making, Complex adaptive system, Edge of chaos, Agent.
Title of the Paper: Some
Aspects Regarding the Adaptive Control of a Flying Wing- Micro Air Vehicle
with Flexible Wing Tips
Authors: Boscoianu
Mircea, Pahonie Radu, Coman Adrian
Abstract: The problem of automatic development of controllers for high
maneuverable flexible flying wing micro air vehicles for the situations in
which the exact characteristics are not known, has a strong motivation for
research because of the low cost of the bio-inspired emerging technologies,
the evolution and the integration facilities of micro sensors, the use of
soft computing techniques in adaptive control. The aim of future micro air
vehicles (MAVs) is to obtain an enhanced agility and functionality and these
demands should perform over an extended flight envelope, an increased range
of operating conditions with dramatic variations and highly nonlinear
critical aerodynamic phenomena. This paper open new opportunities for the
future research in the field of low cost flying wing MAV (FW-MAV) category.
micro air vehicle (MAV), flying wing MAV (FW-MAV), morphing, adaptive
Title of the Paper: Generalized
Modus Ponens Using Fodor's Implication and a Parametric T-norm
Authors: Ion Iancu
Abstract: Using Generalized Modus Ponens reasoning, we examine the values of
the inferred conclusion by using Fodor's implication in order to interpret a
fuzzy if-then rule with a single input single output and the t-norm t(x,y)=max((1+λ)(x+y-1)-
λxy), λ≥-1, for composition operation. This
t-norm is important to use because for λ=-1 and λ=0
it gives the commonly used t-norms t1(x,y)=xy and
t2(x,y)=max(0, x+y-1),
Fuzzy set, Fuzzy implication, Generalized modus ponens, t-norm, t-conorm,
Strong negation
Title of the Paper: An
Alternative Poincaré Section for Steady-State Responses and Bifurcations of a
Duffing-Van der Pol Oscillator
Authors: Jang-Der Jeng,
Yuan Kang, Yeon-Pun Chang
Abstract: To apply effective methods to analyze and distinguish all kinds of
response patterns is an important issue of nonlinear dynamics. This paper
contributes to develop an alternative Poincaré section method to analyze and
identify the whirl responses of a nonlinear oscillator. This integration for
analyzing high-order harmonic and chaotic motions is used to integrate the
distance between state trajectory and the origin in the phase plane during a
specific period. This response integration process is based on the fact that
the integration value would be constant if the integration interval is equal
to the response period. It provides a quantitative characterization of system
responses as the role of the traditional stroboscopic technique (Poincaré
section method) to observe bifurcations and chaos of the nonlinear
oscillators. However, due to the signal response contamination of system, the
section points on Poincaré maps might be too close to distinguish, especially
for a high-order subharmonic vibration. Combining the capability of precisely
identifying period and constructing bifurcation diagrams, the advantages of
the proposed method are shown by the simulations of a Duffing-Van der Pol
oscillator. The simulation results show that the high-order subharmonic and
chaotic responses and their bifurcations can be effectively observed.
Poincaré section method, Chaotic motion, Response integration, Bifurcation,
Duffing-Van der Pol oscillator
Title of the Paper: Optimal
Torque Distribution Control Strategy for Parallel Hybrid Electric Urban Buses
Authors: Yuangjun Huang,
Chengliang Yin, Jianwu Zhang
Abstract: A novel parallel hybrid electric urban bus (PHEUB) configuration
consisting of an extra one-way clutch and an automatic mechanical
transmission (AMT) is taken as the study subject. Feed-forward computer
simulation model of the PHEUB was developed in the system simulation software
MATLAB/Simulink environment. The bench test results for the key components of
the hybrid powertrain are treated as reliable reference in the modeling. A
logic threshold torque distribution control strategy incorporating with an
instantaneously optimization algorithm is proposed for the investigated
PHEUB. The aim is to optimize the fuel economy and balance the battery
state-of-charge (SOC), while satisfying the vehicle performance and
drivability requirements at all times. Simulation results for the behaviors
of the engine, motor and battery illustrates the potential of the proposed
control strategy in terms of fuel economy and in keeping the deviations of
battery SOC at a low level. The presented control strategy has been applied
to the experimental hybrid bus and it is shown from the monitoring and
testing that the control functions are practical.
Hybrid electric vehicles, Fuel economy, Modeling and simulation, Optimal
Control strategy, Logic torque distribution control strategy, Operating mode
Title of the Paper: Context
and Location Aware Public/Personal Information Service based on RFID System
Authors: Ming-Shen Jian,
Kuen Shiuh Yang, Chung-Lun Lee
Abstract: In this paper, a Context and Location Aware Public/Personal
Information Service based on RFID System Integration (CLAPIS) that integrates
the existed RFID systems is proposed. This system includes Embedded Service
Middleware Platform, and End User RFID Handheld Facilities. The Embedded
Service Middleware Platform which runs on the PC or PDA provides modulated
API and can be substituted for any other similar system, hardware, and
Internet service. The End User RFID Handheld Facilities gives and suits the
three possible utilization conditions such as: end user RFID tag, end user
device with RFID System, and hybrid end user RFID handheld facilities. The
real test and verification prove that the proposed CLAPIS can certainly
reduce the construction cost of local area public/personal service system.
Users of three possible utilization conditions are all completely served. The
recyclable RFID Device/Tag can further reduce the payment and is more environmental.
RFID, Information Service, Context Aware, Location Aware, System Integration.
Title of the Paper: Identification
of Distributed Parameter Systems, based on Sensor Networks and Artificial
Authors: Constantin
Abstract: The paper presents a short survey of three topics: modern sensor
networks, distributed parameter systems and estimation techniques, especially
using artificial intelligence tools, to be involved in the new domain of
identification of distributed parameter systems, based on sensor networks and
artificial intelligence. As smart and small devices the modern sensors are
capable to be implemented in large distributed parameter systems. Sensor
networks, with hundred and thousands of ad-hoc tiny sensor nodes spread
across a geographical, are acting as a distributed sensor in a distributed
parameter system. Sensor network topics, sensor network architectures and
sensor network applications are presented. Examples of distributed parameter
systems with large application in practice as the process of heat conduction,
applications related to electricity domain, motion of fluids, the processes
of cooling and drying, phenomenon of diffusion and other applications are
presented. The identification techniques are useful for applications ranging
from control systems, fault detection and diagnosis, signal processing to
time-series analysis. Methods to estimate linear back box models and models
of artificial intelligence, as fuzzy logic and neural network are presented.
The artificial intelligence tools may be used for identification of nonlinear
complex systems as the distributed parameter systems are. A case study of
malicious nod detection based on a neural autoregression method in the
process of plane heat propagation is developed.
Wireless sensor networks, system identification, distributed parameter
systems, neural networks.
Title of the Paper: Innovative
Device for Measuring Forces Specific to Various Manufacturing Processes
Authors: Mihaiela
Iliescu, Gabriela Tont
Abstract: Forces that occur into various manufacturing processes usually are
worth to be known because of their key role in determining geometrical
precision of the manufactured parts, in influencing technological system’s
rigidity and in reducing energy consumption. The innovative device for
measuring these forces is characterized by the shape and dimensions of the
elastic element that proves good signal decoupling and the possibility to use
it in various manufacturing processes types. The device’s prototype was
obtained and tested so that, its rigidity characteristics and calibration
equations to be determined. Experimented while manufacturing, both in
machining and metal forming process, and aided by a LabVIEW data acquisition
system, the device made possible the exact determination of each force’s
component as well as of whole process force’s modulus.
elastic element, manufacturing force, calibration equations, rigidity
Title of the Paper: Applications
of Fault Detection Methods to Industrial Processes
Authors: Ioana Fagarasan, S. St. Iliescu
Abstract: Components of industrial processes are often affected by
un-permitted or un-expected deviations from normal operation behaviour. The
fault detection task consists of determination of the fault present in a
system and the time of detection. In addition to fault detection follows the
fault identification by determination of kind, location and time of detection
of a fault. These procedures are based on the observed analytical and the
heuristic knowledge of the process. In this paper a comparison between
different methods of fault detection and some examples of the fault detection
and identification procedure for industrial processes is provided. For some
classes of processes the structure and some parameters are well known but for
others only rough models are available. Therefore the methods for fault
detection and diagnosis are mainly different.
Fault Detection and Diagnosis, Industrial Processes, Symptoms, Residuals
Title of the Paper: A
Methodology of Availability Assessment for Complex Manufacturing Systems
Authors: Gabriela Tont,
Mihaiela Iliescu, Dan George Tont
Abstract: The degree in which a system is operational in a given horizon of
time is the key indicator of service quality perceived by business users. The
availability of critical systems is a function of the system reliability,
maintainability and accessibility of support resources. Based on a
comparative analysis, selecting an adequate method of availability assessment
requires typical structures identification, reliability indices
characterization and evaluation of non-reliability impact of the parts on
system availability. Frequently used, binomial method leads to optimistic
results due to bivalent states of components (operating/fault). For serial or
parallel reliability structures, a realistic evaluation of system
availability is obtained by applying polynomial or direct analysis based on
reliability block diagram. A complex structure implies a successive
assessment of structural components allowed by Monte-Carlo simulation
providing accurate indices values. The paper presents a method of
availability evaluation using Monte-Carlo simulation techniques which allows
a comparative analysis of component impact on the system availability.
availability, assessment, simulation, structures, complex manufacturing
system, operational and reserve parts
Issue 7, Volume 7, July 2008
Title of the Paper: A
Multilevel Approach of Reliability Optimization in Complex Systems
Authors: Gabriela Tont, Dan George Tont
Abstract: Reliability optimization of complex systems is aligning in the
larger framework of solving business and technical issues by adopting
solution and decision-making under the simultaneous multi-objective
conditions. The optimization is a key problem in the conceptual design, the
implementation and realization in context of use of system. The feasible
directions of reliability improvement may be achieved by reducing system
complexity, increasing reliability of components, using structural redundancy
or adequate maintenance strategies.
The paper focuses on the opportunity of using continuous Markov chains, which
allow modeling the behavior of complex systems under realistic time-dependent
operational conditions, as an approach on managing and equipment stocks, a
tool of reliability centered maintenance. The proposed simulation method is
based on minimizing the stocking and failure costs of equipment under
constraint of available acquisition and stocking sum. The case study,
assessing two alternative situations of studied system, validates the
effectiveness of method.
Reliability, Optimization, Minimal Costs, Configuration, Validation Results
Title of the Paper: The
Movement of Modular Walking Robot MERO in the Obstacles’ Area
Authors: Ion Ion, Luige
Vladareanu, Ion Simionescu, Aurelian Vasile
Abstract: In the area of level-walking gaits, gaits can be categorized into
two types according to the terrain condition : gaits on perfectly smooth
terrain and gaits on terrain which contains forbidden areas (areas which are
not suitable for foot placement).The main characteristic of the modular
walking robots is that they are able to move away on not arranged, horizontal
and rough terrain. The performance of walking robots is closely related to
the adopted gait. The movement of the walking robots can be divided in two
modes: condition of the static stability; condition of the dynamic stability.
During walking, the legs move according to the gait and two forelegs are
adjusted to avoid forbidden areas. Different methods of leg adjustments and
body adjustments are integrated into the strategy. In the work are analyzed
the possibilities of determination of the limit conditions for the stable
displacement of the walking robots. In the work are analyzed the
possibilities of determination of the limit conditions for the stable
displacement of the quadrupedal walking robots. Finally, this strategy is
verified by using computer graphics simulations.
Modular Walking Robot, Walk, Gait, Support phase,Transfer phase, Stability
Title of the Paper: Some
Aspects Regarding the Adaptive Control of a Flying Wing- Micro Air Vehicle
with Flexible Wing Tips
Authors: Boscoianu
Mircea, Pahonie Radu, Coman Adrian
Abstract: The problem of automatic development of controllers for high
maneuverable flexible flying wing micro air vehicles for the situations in
which the exact characteristics are not known, has a strong motivation for
research because of the low cost bioinspiration emerging technologies, the
integration of micro sensors, neural networks and adaptive control. The aim
to obtain an enhanced agility and functionality demands that MAV should
perform over an extended flight envelope, an increased range of operating
conditions with dramatic variations and highly nonlinear aerodynamic
micro air vehicle (MAV), flying wing MAV (FW-MAV), morphing, adaptive
Title of the Paper: The
Effect of the Cement Design Parameters on the Kinetic of Hydration for
Composite Cements Produced According to EN 197-1
Dimitris Tsamatsoulis, Christina Stathoulopoulou, Louis Prelorentzos
Abstract: The effect of main cement parameters as the composition and
fineness on the heat of hydration is investigated in the present study.
Experimental data of heat of hydration that are received in a biggest period
of one and half year are fitted in an exponential kinetic model. Four cement
types complying with EN 197-1 are examined. The parameters of model are
connected with the chemical and physical characteristics of the corresponding
cements. It is demonstrated that the finely ground limestone, accelerates the
hydration of clinker strengthening also his total degree of hydration. A
large amount of pozzolane slows down initially the hydration, however after
roughly seven days the pozzolanic reaction begins. Moreover a combination of
two components, leads to a phenomenon of synergy. The cement fineness has a
strong impact on the rate of hydration as well as on the total released heat.
Consequently the mathematic models constitute a useful tool to predict the
heat of hydration of any cement containing the same raw materials and can be
utilized for design and regulation purposes with regard to the composition
and fineness, specifically for the cements of low heat of hydration.
Hydration, Kinetics, Cement, Clinker, Model, Simulation
Title of the Paper: A DS
UWB Transmission System for Wireless Telemedicine
Authors: Chin-Feng Lin, Ching Yi-Li
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a direct-sequence ultra-wideband (DS UWB)
transmission system for wireless telemedicine system. An essential feature of
this system is that it offers larger power and schemes providing significant
error protection for the transmission of medical information that requires
higher quality of service (QoS). To realize maximum resource utilization, or
minimum total transmission power, we also include an M-ary binary offset
keying (MBOK) strategy into the system. Thus, in the proposed medical system,
high power, a long length MBOK code, and scheme providing significant error
protection schemes are employed for the transmission of medical messages that
require a stringent bit-error rate (BER). In contrast, low power, short
length MBOK codes, and less capable error protection schemes are provided for
messages that can tolerate a high BER. A simulation is carried out to verify
the proper functioning of the proposed system in a practical wireless
telemedicine scenario.
Wireless Telemedicine, DS UWB, power assignment mechanism, unequal error
protection, MBOK.
Title of the Paper: Network
Intrusion Detection Using Genetic Algorithm to find Best DNA Signature
Authors: Thaer
Al_Ibaisi, Abd El-Latif Abu-Dalhoum, Mohammed Al-Rawi, Manuel Alfonseca,
Alfonso Ortega
Abstract: Bioinformatics is part of computer science that joins between
computer programming and molecular biology. DNA consists of long sequence of
nucleotides which formulates the genome. Our method is to generate normal
signature sequence and alignment threshold value from processing the system
training data and encode observed network connection into corresponding DNA
nucleotides sequence, then to align the signature sequence with observed
sequence to find similarity degree value and decide whether the connection is
attack or normal. Number of DNA sequences makes up each population, and then new
generations are produced to select the Signature with best alignment value
with normal network connection sequences. This paper ends up with accuracy
value and threshold score for detecting the network anomalies that no known
conditions exist for them to be discovered in addition for percentage of
generating false positive and true negative alarms.
Sequence alignment, Intrusion detection system, Sequence encoding, Alignment
Title of the Paper: Design
Framework for Intelligent Supervision of Industrial Processes
Authors: Carlos Parra
Ortega, Eliezer Colina Morles, Edgar Chacon Ramirez
Abstract: Timely faults detection in an industrial process is a key aspect
for designing a framework for intelligent supervisory control. A way to
perform supervisory control is by providing intelligence to the supervision
mechanism in continuous processes exposed to faults in order to cope with the
identification of a diversity of faults, classify them and to be able to
anticipate the consequences derived by their occurrence. In this article we
propose an extension of the multiresolutional models approach to construct a
fuzzy logic-agent technology-event detection approaches-based supervisory
framework. Also the suggested framework is validated by means of a
discrete-event simulation program.
Intelligent Supervisory Control, Multiresolutional models, Fault detection,
Fuzzy Events Detection, Discrete-event simulation.
Title of the Paper: Neural
Networks for Prediction of Nucleotide Sequences by using Genomic Signals
Authors: Paul Cristea,
Valeri Mladenov, Rodica Tuduce, Georgi Tsenov, Simona Petrakieva
Abstract: The conversion of symbolic sequences into complex genomic signals
allows using signal processing methods for the handling and analysis of
nucleotide sequences. This methodology reveals surprizing regularities, both
locally and at a global scale, allowing us to predict nucleotides in a
sequence, when knowing the preceding ones. Such experiments have a major
biologic significance, as they explore the possibility and the efficiency of
error correction in processes like replication, transcription and
Genomic signals, Nucleotide Sequences, Time series prediction, Sequence
prediction, Neural networks
Title of the Paper: Output
Feedback Guaranteeing Cost Control by Matrix Inequalities for Discrete-Time
Delay Systems
Authors: Eva Gyurkovics, Tibor Takacs
Abstract: This paper investigates the construction of guaranteeing cost
dynamic output feedback controller for linear discrete-time delay systems
with time-varying parameter uncertainties and with exogenous disturbances. A
necessary and sufficient condition for a controller to have the guaranteeing
cost property is given by a nonlinear matrix inequality. As a sufficient
condition, a linear matrix inequality is derived, the solution of which can
be used for constructing a control of the desired type. It is also shown that
the resulted trajectory is input-to-state stable. A numerical example
illustrates the application of the results.
guaranteeing cost control, delay systems, discrete-time systems, matrix inequalities
Title of the Paper: A
Coarse-to-Fine Algorithm for 3D Registration based on Wavelet Decomposition
Authors: C.
Torre-Ferrero, S. Robla, E. G. Sarabia, J. R. Llata
Abstract: This paper introduces a coarse-to-fine algorithm for 3D
registration that uses an alternative 3D Shape Representation: CIRCON
(Cylindrical Image of Radial CONtours). Two point clouds can be aligned using
their corresponding circon images for searching for correspondences. In order
to accelerate this search, a coarse-to-fine approach based on wavelet image
decomposition will be applied to the circon images. This permits to reduce,
for each resolution level, the amount of indexes to be evaluated. The
information obtained by the surface matching process is then used for
calculating a coarse transformation (translation and rotation) between both
surfaces; in such a way that two point clouds whose relative pose is unknown
can be aligned.
3D registration, surface alignment, shape representation, coarse
transformation, object recognition
Title of the Paper: Adaptive
Sliding-Mode Load-Torque Observer: Its Stability Aspects
Authors: Wirote
Sangtungtong, Sarawut Sujitjorn
Abstract: This article reveals the detailed analyses of the uniform stability
and the transient stability of an adaptive sliding-mode load-torque observer.
Using the Lyapunov’s direct method, the stability can be concluded only in
some time intervals during transient state. Using the LaSalle’s invariance
principle, it can be concluded that by the end of the transient state the
observer definitely enters the stable steady-state.
Asymptotically autonomous system; Invariant set; LaSalle’s principle;
Load-torque observer; Lyapunov’s direct method; Quadratic inequality;
Transient stability; Uniform stability.
Title of the Paper: Ripple-free
Control Response by Using a Fractional Order Hold Device
Authors: Unai Ugalde,
Rafael Barcena, Koldo Basterretxea
Abstract: In digital control, discrete-time signal reconstruction is usualy
carried out by the zero-order hold (ZOH), although other options exist which
exhibit interesting properties. A remarkable alternative is the
fractional-order hold (FROH), which provokes no intersample ripple under
steady state and, if properly tuned, can often place the discretized plant
model z-domain zeros in more convenient locations than the ZOH. This zero
placing technique, in turn, gives rise to closed-loop performance
improvements for many cases. However, since it is formulated in the z-domain,
it cannot anticipate continuous-time closed-loop behaviour. Besides, going
through zero placement is burdensome, especially for high-order models. This
work presents a new and simpler method which directly links the tuning of the
FROH with some desired closed-loop features, bypassing zero placement. It is
based on the frequency domain, which makes it possible to capture the
continuous-time behaviour. The simulations performed have shown clear
improvements over zero placement, in terms of time-domain performance
figures, intersample behaviour, and the energy consumed in step responses.
Frequency domain analysis, Sampled data systems, Digital control.
Title of the Paper: Harmonic
Current Reduction in Railway Systems
Authors: Mihaela
Popescu, Alexandru Bitoleanu, Mircea Dobriceanu
Abstract: This paper deals with the problem of harmonic mitigation solutions
in a Romanian traction substation which supplies a railway electric transportation
line. The power line measurements were made using an ABB Power+ recorder and
analyzer during a whole day. The quantities recorded have been the frequency,
the total rms values of the voltage and current, the current and voltage
harmonic distortion factors and the first fifteen current and voltage
harmonics. The analysis of data shows that the harmonic distortion factor of
the voltage is always less than IEEE 519 recommended limit thanks of high
power of the transformer comparatively with the power of the load. In order
to keep the current distortion within allowed limits, the proposed filter
installation must lead to a significant diminution of 3rd and 5th harmonics
and a less significant diminution of the superior order harmonics. In this
concrete application, the proposed solution for harmonics mitigation is based
on passive power filtering. The simulations carried out under Matlab Simulink
environment show that the installation of two single tuned filters for third
and fifth harmonics plus a high-pass filter for higher order harmonics would
reduce harmonics levels and harmonic distortion factor to within acceptable
limits even in the most unfavourable situations.
Railway systems, Harmonics, Harmonic distortion factor, Power quality,
Passive power filters
Title of the Paper: Using
Simulation for Study the Possibility of Canceling Load Unbalance of Non-Sinusoidal High Power
Three-Phase Loads
Authors: Manuela Panoiu,
Caius Panoiu, Ioan Sora, Anca Iordan, Raluca Rob
Abstract: The electric arc furnace as a three-phase load represent one of the
most important source of harmonic currents, reactive power and unbalanced
conditions in electrical power systems. This paper work aims to achieve a
study concerning the unbalanced regime and to propose a method for
three-phase load balancing. It is well know that the electric arc is a
nonlinear element. Thus, for modeling his behavior, it was use a model having
parameters like of a real electric arc. For simulation it was use the
PSCAD-EMTDC program dedicated to power systems. It was also performed a study
for load balancing based on modeling the three phase electric arc furnace
installation. For comparative studies it was made measurements in secondary
furnace transformer.
simulation, modeling, unbalanced load, electric arc, power quality
Title of the Paper: On
Using B+-Tree for Efficient Processing for the Boundary
Neighborhood Problem
Authors: Azzam Sleit
Abstract: A spatial data set is a collection of spatially referenced objects.
The boundary neighborhood problem (i.e. BN problem) in spatial database
systems is defined as finding all boundary neighbors for a given object based
on special dimensions. This problem arises in several applications mainly in
GIS systems such as finding all countries that surround a given lake or sea.
Spatial objects can be represented and indexed by their minimum bounding
rectangles (i.e. MBR’s) which give rough indication for the existence of an
object. This paper proposes a solution for the BN problem, based on indexing
the space using B+-tree.
B+-tree, Boundary Neighborhood Operator, Spatial Database,
Rectangular Object
Title of the Paper: On
the Optimal Multirate Control of Networked Control Systems
Authors: Zhang Xiang,
Xiao Jian
Abstract: Optimal multirate control of the networked control systems is
investigated in this paper. Under p – to – wσ
communication sequence that sensors access communication medium and m
– to – wρ communication sequence that actuators access
communication medium, the plant of networked control system acts as a linear
periodic time-varying system. Using lifting technology, a linear periodic
time-varying system is transformed into a linear periodic time-invariant
system and the linear quadratic performance index of a linear periodic
time-varying system is transformed into that of a linear periodic
time-invariant system. Controllability and observability of transformed
system are analyzed. An optimal state feedback control and an optimal output
feedback control are given. The simulation results show that the optimal
multirate control strategies proposed in this paper are feasible.
optimal multirate control; networked control systems; lifting technology;
linear quadratic performance index; optimal state feedback control; optimal
output feedback control
Title of the Paper: Multivariate
Analysis Applied in Bayesian Metareasoning
Authors: Carlos Eduardo
Bognar, Osamu Saotome
Abstract: As Bayesian networks are applied to more complex and realistic
real-world applications, the development of more efficient inference
approaches is increasingly important. This paper presents a method for
metareasoning in Bayesian networks adopting prediction models to select
algorithms for the inference tasks, when multiple schemes are used to
calculate the propagation of evidence. The proposed method is based on
multiple characterizations of Bayesian networks and prediction models to
select the algorithm that will provide the best performance in future
inferences. Logistic regression analysis is applied to determine when exact
algorithms may be used for specific tasks. The prediction models of
approximate inference algorithms are created by multiple regression analysis,
based on experimental results using Variable Elimination, Gibbs Sampling and
Stratified Simulation algorithms. These algorithms belong to exact method,
stochastic and deterministic sampling methods, respectively. Experimental
analyses compare some alternative models and show better results when
multivariate analysis is applied.
Bayesian, Metareasoning, Logistic Regression, Multiple Regression,
Inferences, Prediction Models
Title of the Paper:
System Dynamic Modeling and Optimal Torque Control Strategy for E. T. Driver
based on AMT
Authors: Chen Li, Dong
Yue-Hang, Yin Cheng-Liang, Zhang Jian-Wu
Abstract: Hybrid power system is one of the kernel technologies of hybrid
electric vehicles (HEV). The performance of HEV is determined greatly by the
hybrid power system. The integrative hybrid power system is a new and
important research field now and in the future. The Electrical Transmission
Driver (E.T.Driver) is a compositive hybrid power system. The special
constitution of E.T.Driver, which is based on Automatic Mechanical Transmission
(AMT), can greatly improve the shift quality and driving smoothness of HEV
during the gear shift course. A non-linear multi-rigid-body system dynamic
modeling is developed for HEV system in power transmission during clutch
engagement. Two kinds of input torque optimal control strategies of
E.T.Driver are introduced and validated based on the dynamic simulation model
and experiment data. A minimum value principle is used to optimize the input
torque of E.T.Driver and to achieve an optimal dynamic performance of the
non-linear system compromised in friction wear and shock intensity. It is
found the shock intensity and slipping friction work can be reduced to a very
small value or can be controlled to a satisfying degree according to the
optimal input torque control strategies from the experiment data results.
electrical transmission driver (E.T.Driver); parallel hybrid electric
vehicles (PHEV); gear shift quality; non-linear system dynamics; driving
smoothness; optimal control
Issue 8, Volume 7, August 2008
Title of the Paper: Trajectory
Planning based on Hand Operation for the Un-Redundant Arm of Service Robot
Authors: L. B. Yu, Q. X. Cao
Abstract: Any unfamiliar motions of the arm for service robot will make
people anxious and human-like arm motion may be a solution. A virtual
prototype of service robot with dual 6DOF (Degree of Freedom) arms named FISR
(Family Intelligent Service Robot) has been developed. The application of
service robot is not only performing human-like arm motion but also focusing
on the hand operation such as grasping an object. So based on hand operation
a formulation of elbow elevation angle is constructed to plan human-like arm
motion for FISR. Furthermore a strategy about how to grasp a convex object is
Elbow elevation angle, human-like trajectory, hand operation, un-redundant
arm, service robot
Title of the Paper:
Discrete Model of a TCSC for Automation and Planning Studies of the
Electrical Transmission System in Colombia
Authors: Jorge. W.
Gonzalez, Hugo Cardona, Idi Isaac, Gabriel Lopez, E. Ruiz
Abstract: This paper presents the development of a discrete Thyristor
Controlled Series Capacitor, TCSC, model using the software DIgSILENT PF. The
discrete model is based on switchable inductances. The model was inserted in
a practical large network of the Electrical Transmission System in Colombia
(ETSC) for automation and planning purposes, as much in steady as transient
analysis. The results of the studies with the discrete model were very
satisfying and allowed to propose further automated solutions to the needs of
expanding the ETSC.
Automation of high voltage networks, control systems, power electronics,
Thyristor controlled series capacitor.
Issue 9, Volume 7, September 2008
Title of the Paper: Amaranth Food Dye Photochemical and
Photoelectrochemical Degradation: Experiments and Mathematical Modelling
Authors: Cristiano P.
Silva, Sandro Marmitt, Claus Haetinger, Simone Stülp
Abstract: This paper studied the photochemical and photoelectrochemical
degradation of food dye (red dye - amaranth). The investigation aimed at the
assessment of alternative treatments, focusing the use of clean technologies.
The photochemical and photoelectrochemical degradation experiments were
performed in a compartment with UV radiation (mercury lamp – 125W). For the
photoelectrochemical degradation, the best mathematical modelling indicated
by the LAB Fit software was the exponential model. This behavior indicates a
first-order reaction. On the other side, the best mathematical model for the
photochemical degradation was the linear one. Therefore, the photochemical
degradation indicates a zero-order reaction. For the amaranth dye, the
photoelectrochemical method showed itself to be more efficient than the
photochemical one. The photoelectrochemical treatment pointed to a 92% color
reduction in the dye solution, and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal
reached up to 57%.
food dye, photoelectrochemical degradation, azo group, kinetics, UV
Title of the Paper: Position
Tracking and Flaw Visualization in Conductive Materials
Authors: Rafic Bachnak, Scott A. King
Abstract: The Eddy current technique has been successfully used in a variety
of non-destructive evaluation applications including detection of cracks,
measurements of material thickness, examining metal thinning, measurements of
coating thickness, identification of materials, and detection of corrosion.
This paper shows how positional and eddy-current data are combined to produce
a C-scan of flaws in conductive materials. A system that consists of an eddy
current probe, a position tracking mechanism, and basic data visualization
capability was built and tested. Test results of the prototype are presented
and briefly discussed. Improving the accuracy of the measurements using a
three-mouse position sensing device is described.
Position tracking, non-destructive evaluation, eddy current, visualization
Title of the Paper: Analysis
of the Corona Currents in an Electrostatic Discharge System in Normal
Atmospheric Pressure and Temperature
Authors: Gabriel Nicolae
Popa, Sorin Ioan Deaconu, Iosif Popa
Abstract: In this paper, have been studied the corona current spectras in a
needles to plane geometry of electrostatic discharge system (EDS) in normal
atmospheric pressure and temperature. The air between electrodes becomes conductive
when the electric field strength exceeds a limit value. Were made an optical
analysis of corona (for the same voltage – 10 kV, for positive, negative and
alternative supply of EDS electrodes) and an electrical analysis (through
current spectra) for current corona (for different gap distances between
electrodes - 2 to 5 cm, different polarity - positive, negative, and
alternative, and voltage supply - 4 to 10kV). The currents spectras indicates
that the positive current has the most harmonics and has a lot of noise than
negative or alternative corona.
Corona currents, Electrostatic discharge system, Needles to plane geometry
Title of the Paper: Surface
Roughness Statistic Models of Metallized Coatings in Grinding Manufacturing
Authors: Mihaiela
Iliescu, Mihnea Costoiu
Abstract: Metallizing process has known a continuous extent, lately, because
of the sprayed coatings’ intensive application into various industrial
fields. Metallized coatings have very important wear or, corrosion resistance
characteristics and, when used for repairing worn parts, the prescribed
surface quality specifications can be obtained only by grinding, after
thermal spraying. Statistic models of grinded surface roughness are useful,
specially, for optimizing the machining process. For adequate and, faster
measurements, a LabVIEW data acquisition system was used to obtain grinded
surface roughness values and, for obtaining statistical models needed,
specialized regression soft-ware was considered.
metallized coating, surface roughness, experiment design, regression
analysis, statistic model
Title of the Paper: Increasing
the Energetic Efficiency in Producing of Electric and Thermal Power in
Thermal Power Plants by Using of Variable Speed
Authors: Sorin Ioan
Deaconu, Gabriel Nicolae Popa, Iosif Popa
Abstract: In this work is presenting a theoretical analysis and an
experimental application of the energetic efficiency increase by using of
variable-speed AC electric drive systems in a thermal power plant that
produces electric and thermal power. Are presented few possible drive
systems, both at low voltage and medium voltage, and is analysed the influence
upon the curent’s and voltage’s wave shape due to the distorsions introduced
by the adjustable drives.
The presented application refers to the distribution system of the produced
thermal power, composed by the pumping station of the primary heat carrier,
the district heating stations and the automation system. The experimental
results from the first operational year are used to optimize the system.
Asynchronous motor, Static frequency converter, Harmonic distorsion generated
by adjustable speed drives, District heating system, Pumping station,
Testing, Energetic efficiency.
Title of the Paper: Static
and Dynamic Abstract Formal Models for 3D Sensor Images
Authors: Ioan Jivet,
Alin Brindusescu, Ivan Bogdanov
Abstract: The paper presents a perception oriented linguistic formal model
for 3D sensors depth images. Both the static object extraction and short term
dynamic evolution in the scene are analyzed. The target applications are
subsystems in action involved in independent environment exploration and
learning be it human or machine. Field of view depth images obtained with
recently developed CMOS 3D sensors are analyzed in their capacity to provide
immediate action oriented data. For the 3D scene images a selective segmented
method is proposed in terms of salient objects in the depth image. The model
as proposed uses a representation of the scene depth image in terms of object
area and mean center location. An original abstract formal language
representation is proposed. The extension of the context free grammar with
attributes ads structure to the model. It is also shown that the generated
language translates directly depth labeling into action planning on the
environment. The performance of the proposed abstract representation method
is analyzed in terms of estimated computation time and direct semantic relevance
for a sample application. For applications of object motion detection and
tracking the formal model was extended with attributes for direction and
speed. The object position drift based on segment correspondence for speed
determination is shown to be compatible to the formal model as proposed.
Further development of the model for multi layered representations for more
complex applications areas is also outlined.
3D sensor depth image, segmentation, formal language perception model, real time
Title of the Paper: A
Behavioral Approach to GNSS Positioning and DOP Determination
Authors: He-Sheng Wang
Abstract: In this paper, a behavioral framework is proposed to solve dynamic
GNSS positioning problems, which in the mean time may also provide a way to
determine the DOP (dilution of precision) of a moving object. The concept of
beha-vioral framework was first proposed by Jan C. Willems in a series of
papers (J.C. Willems, "From time series to linear system - part I, II,
and III," Automatica Vol. 22, 1986.) as a generic tool for mathematical
modeling of dynamical systems. In the proposed approach, a GNSS positioning
problem is firstly described by a kernel representation and then the problem
can be solved by a structured total least-squares (STLS) algorithm. STLS
algorithm is a modified version of the traditional total least-squares (TLS)
method. It can be shown that the STLS algorithm is able to provide better
performance than the TLS al-gorithm for the problems that possess a
particular structure. In the case of the present paper, it is shown that the
GNSS posi-tioning problem has a Hankel structure (i.e., the geometric matrix
of the pseudorange equation is Hankel), therefore the prob-lem can be solved
by an STLS algorithm subject to a Hankel structure. On the other hand, a
formula for calculating DOP of a dynamic positioning problem is also provided.
The proposed method is able to calculate the DOP value for multiple time
epochs, in compared with the conventional DOP formula which can only be
derived at a single time epoch, so as to reflect the inter-dependency between
consecutive time epochs.
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS); Behavioral Framework; Structured
Total Least-Squares; Dilution of Precision; Kernel Representation; Total
Least-Squares; Least-Squares.
Title of the Paper:
Industrial PC-based Real-Time Controllers Applied to Second-Order and
First-Order Plus Time Delay Processes
Authors: R. Barcena,
A. Etxebarria
Abstract: Nowadays, the industrial processes are controlled mainly by using
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). Anyway, the more strict specifications
imposed at present day are bringing about the gradual introduction of
advanced control techniques (fuzzy, adaptive, …) in industry. In order to
soundly implement such techniques, new hardware (DSP, Industrial PC, …) may
be necessary. This paper describes a complete environment for a realistic
experimentation on advanced controllers in order to facilitate its study and
posterior implementation in productive processes. The experimentation
environment is formed by an industrial PC that acts as real time controller
and other PC or real actuators like process plants. Hardware-in-the-loop
(HIL) experimentation provides a very useful tool for testing systems or
subsystems at early stages of the development process. This can reduce the
debugging process of the system, in addition to eliminate project risks,
because hardware prototype is not necessary before carrying out testing and
system integration. HIL experimentations work in real time and carry out
input and output operations as a part of the real system in their operative
environment. This enables the system or subsystem to be tested under work
nominal conditions as well as at its intended operational boundaries.
Real-time control, Rapid prototyping, Hardware-in-the-loop simulation,
digital control, auto tuning controllers, pole placement.
Title of the Paper: Autonomic
and Cognitive Possibilities for Information or Neural-Like Systems using
Dynamic Links
Greer, Matthias Baumgarten, Maurice Mulvenna, Kevin Curran, Chris Nugent
: This paper will describe a vision for a new kind of
information system that can dynamically self-organize and reason over its
contents. The architecture is lightweight and would be suitable for an Internet-based
environment, or alternatively, a mobile or pervasive sensitized environment.
The lightweight architecture will rely on dynamic links, created through the
query process, to self-organize. Results will show that the linking mechanism
is reliable and can be combined with knowledge-based approaches, such as
semantics, to provide extra functionality over what similar systems can
currently provide. An overall architecture that could be called autonomic and
cognitive will be suggested. This architecture could be used locally as part
of a neural-like brain, or globally in a distributed information system.
Autonomic features covered will be self-organization and self-supervision,
while different levels of reasoning will allow for an overall cognitive model
that may even be able to think for itself.
Key-Words: Autonomic, Reasoning,
Cognitive, Dynamic, Link, Query.
Title of the Paper:
Αpplication of Modeling and
Computer Simulation for the Development of a Test Setup for Calibration of
Power Quality Measurement Transducers for High Voltage Networks
Authors: Hedio Tatizawa,
Erasmo Silveira Neto, Geraldo F. Burani, Antonio A. C. Arruda, Kleiber T.
Soletto, Nelson M. Matsuo
- The term power quality is, in general, closely related to the quality of
the voltage. Considering the widespread presence of sensitive loads in the
electric grid, and the increasing awareness of the consumers concerning the
quality of the power supply, the control and measurement of power quality
parameters, for instance, harmonics, inter harmonics, sags, swells, etc., are
increasingly becoming much more important [1, 2, 3,4]. Most of the necessary
calibration procedures for power quality monitors and power quality analyzers
are already defined in the international standards, mainly in the IEC 61000
series [5] and ANSI/IEEE Standards.This paper presents results of a research intended
to develop a methodology for the calibration of high voltage transducers for
power quality measurements in high voltage networks, considering that such
kind of proceduresare not yet established in the pertinent standards. In this
research it is also considered that the conventional high voltage laboratory
is not suitable for power quality tests, so some improvements are necessary
on this subject. In this development, modeling and computer simulation using
ATP – Alternative Transients Program [6] were used for to assess the
frequency response of the test setup, and the design of the reactive
compensation of the test circuit.
Key-Words: - high
voltage transducers, capacitive voltage dividers, power quality measurements,
harmonics, IEC 61000 series, high voltage.
Issue 10, Volume 7, October 2008
Title of the Paper: The
Study of Multimode Power Control System for MW Variable-Speed Wind Turbine
Authors: Dingguo Wu,
Zhixin Wang
- Wind energy is a viable option to complement other types of pollution-free
generation. In the past constant-speed wind turbine is used for the
limitation of the control technology and manufacturing technology. But this
kind wind turbine has low efficiency and small operation range.
Recently, more and more people make their focus on studying the MW
variable-speed wind turbine for its high efficiency in using wind energy and
large operation range. In this paper, base on the study of the model for the
variable-speed wind turbine, a multimode power control system is proposed.
This control system is consisting of two controllers: the speed controller
and the pitch controller. By judging the different power point, the control
system use different controller to make the wind turbine run at different
mode. Simulation results by using actual detailed parameters for wind turbine
show the effectiveness and robustness of this control system.
Key-Words: - The shaft system model, feed-forward compensator, multimode
power control system, loop-shaping, speed controller, pitch controller, wind
Title of the Paper:
Accelerating Improvement of Fuzzy Rules Induction with Artificial Immune
Authors: Edward
Mezyk, Olgierd Unold
-The paper introduces an algorithmic improvement to IFRAIS, an existing
Artificial Immune System method for fuzzy rule mining. The improvement
presented consists of using rule buffering during the computation of fitness
of rules. This is achieved using a hash table. The improved method has been
tested against two different fitness functions and various data sets.
Experimental results show improvements in computing times in the order of 3
to 10 times maintaining same levels of accuracy.
Key-Words: - Artificial Immune System, Data Mining, Fuzzy Rules Inductio
Title of the Paper: Hydropower
Plant Control using Holonic Structure Concept
Authors: Matei Vinatoru
: This paper will describe a vision for a new kind of information system that
can dynamically self-organize and reason over its contents. The architecture
is lightweight and would be suitable for an Internet-based environment, or
alternatively, a mobile or pervasive sensitized environment. The lightweight
architecture will rely on dynamic links, created through the query process,
to self-organize. Results will show that the linking mechanism is reliable
and can be combined with knowledge-based approaches, such as semantics, to
provide extra functionality over what similar systems can currently provide.
An overall architecture that could be called autonomic and cognitive will be
suggested. This architecture could be used locally as part of a neural-like
brain, or globally in a distributed information system. Autonomic features
covered will be self-organization and self-supervision, while different
levels of reasoning will allow for an overall cognitive model that may even
be able to think for itself.
Key-Words: Autonomic, Reasoning, Cognitive, Dynamic, Link, Query.
Title of the Paper: Application of Artificial Intelligent Technique for
Partial Discharges Localization in Oil Insulating Transformer
Authors: Anant Oonsivilai, Boonruang Marungsri
: Partial discharges in a power transformer are often a predecessor of
serious fault, as Power transformers are fundamental apparatuses in
electrical power system network. Thus, partial discharge measurement are a
significant diagnostic tool to supervise the insulation state of a power
transformer, as elementary Partial Discharges (PD) detection is not adequate
to make a decision about intervening, so the localization is required to
evaluate the risk and to plan rectification actions. Acoustic signals
collected by piezoelectric sensors established outside of the transformer,
supply the accurate position of PD as parameters. Conclusion demonstrates the
efficacious of suggested solution for PD source localization in oil
insulating power transformers using Adaptive Tabu Search (ATS).
Key-Words: Artificial Intelligent Technique, Partial Discharge, Localization,
Oil Insulating Transformer, Acoustic Signal, Adaptive Tabu Search
Title of the Paper: A
Plan of Lauding the Boxes for a Three Dimensional Bin Packing Model
Daniela Marinescu,
Paul Iacob, Alexandra Baicoianu
Abstract : We consider the rectangular three dimensional bin packing problem
with knapsack, where the bin is packed with a set of rectangular boxes,
without gaps or overlapping. Starting from a solution of the three
dimensional bin packing model, our objective is to determine an order of the
loading the boxes in the bin so that a box will be packed in the bin only if
there are no empty spaces down to this box and the origin of the box is in a
fixed position, determinated by the boxes situated in the West and North
neighborhood. By extension of the previous work regarding the two dimensional
covering problem [12] and the three dimensional bin packing problem [15], we
define three kind of adjacency relations between two boxes from a packing
model, similarly with [13, 14]. Combining these relations we define an
acyclic graph representation of the bin packing model. A plan for lauding of
the boxes in the bin is obtained using a topological sorting algorithm of the
vertices of this acyclic graph.
Key-Words: Artificial Intelligent Technique, Partial Discharge, Localization,
Oil Insulating Transformer, Acoustic Signal, Adaptive Tabu Search
Title of the Paper: Characteristic
Point Sequences in Local and Global Bifurcation Analysis of Filippov Systems
Authors: Ivan Arango, John Alexander Taborda
: We explain the set of rules behind of the LabView toolbox for bifurcation
analysis of Filippov systems denominated SPTCont 1.0. This software can
detect nonsmooth bifurcations in n-dimensional systems using integration-free
algorithms based on the evaluation of the vector fields on the discontinuity
boundary (DB). In this paper, we present the characteristic point sequences
that the software detects to guarantee the existence of local and global non
smooth bifurcations in planar Filippov systems (n = 2). These sequences can
be extended to three dimensional or higher dimension Filippov systems.
Boolean-valued functions are used to formulate the conditions of existence
for each point defined in the sequences. Dynamics on DB and cycles are
defined in function of the set of points. The full catalog of codim 1 local
and global bifurcations is used to define the characteristic point sequence
when the bifurcation parameter is varied. Finally, an illustrative example is
analyzed using step-by-step routines of SPTCont 1.0.
Key–Words: Bifurcation theory, sliding bifurcations, piecewise-smooth
systems, Filippov systems.
Title of the Paper:
Redundant Coverage for Noise Reduction in Dynamic Sensor Networks
Authors: Simone Gabriele,
Paolo Di Giamberardino
: The paper deals with the problem of computing trajectories for a network of
mobile sensors in order to maximize coverage within a fixed time interval
avoiding collisions and maintaining communication network connectivity. A
formulation of the field coverage problem is given in terms of optimal
control and it is shown how the problem of a redundant coverage, useful for
simultaneous multiple measurements and then noise reduction, can be handled
within the same formulation. The redundancy is formally faced in terms of
K-coverage, such that covering each point of the workspace with at least K
different sensors. Global centralized solutions are computed after
discretization and simulation results are reported to show the effects of the
proposed approach.
Key–Words: Dynamic sensor network, noise reduction, heterogeneous sensors,
K-coverage, optimal motion, network communications.
Title of the Paper:
Accelerating Improvement of Fuzzy Rules Induction with Artificial Immune
Authors: Edward
Mezyk, Olgierd Unold
- The paper introduces an algorithmic improvement to IFRAIS, an existing
Artificial Immune System method for fuzzy rule mining. The improvement
presented consists of using rule buffering during the computation of fitness
of rules. This is achieved using a hash table. The improved method has been
tested against two different fitness functions and various data sets.
Experimental results show improvements in computing times in the order of 3
to 10 times maintaining same levels of accuracy.
Key-Words: - Artificial Immune System, Data Mining, Fuzzy Rules Induction
Title of the Paper:
Aerosol Size Distribution using Sun-Photometer AOD data
of Five Wavelengths and Artificial Neural Network
Hamed Parsiani, Andres Bonilla
Aerosol size distribution (ASD) is an integral parameter in regional
atmospheric models [1].The LIDAR laboratory at UPRM will provide Puerto Rico
a means of measuring ASD, and therefore
improve these models. This project intends to develop a method of obtaining
ASD with the use of a Sunphotometer data, local CIMEL data obtained from
AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) [2], and an artificial neural network
(ANN). The Sun-photometer used is an instrument that measures Aerosol Optical
Depth (AOD) at five wavelengths of 380, 440, 500, 675, and 870 nms . A
feed-forward, backpropagation artificial neural network was used to map the
underlying pattern between AOD and ASD in southwestern Puerto Rico. After
training, the network will produce ASD outputs based on new AOD inputs
measured locally at UPRM with the Sun-photometer. It was determined that
accurate predictions of ASD (MSE of 10-4) could be made depending on the size
of the AOD data pool selected.
Key-Words: Aerosol Size Distribution, Aerosol Optical Depth, Artificial
Neural Network, AERONET
Title of the Paper:
A Hydro-Mechanical Jet Engine’s Speed Controller Based on the Fuel’s Injection
Pressure’s Control
Alexandru Nicolae Tudosie
- The paper deals with an automatic system meant to control an aircraft jet
engine’s rotation speed, through the fuel injection’s control, based on a
constant pressure chamber controller. One has established the non-linear
mathematical model (based on the motion equations of the system’s parts), the
linear model and the non-dimensional linear model, as well as the simplified
model, the transfer function and the block-diagram. One has also performed a
stability study and established the system’s stability domains, as well as
some quality studies, for different engine-controller configurations.
Key Words: control, jet-engine, fuel injection, pressure chamber, actuator,
fuel pump.
Title of the Paper: On
Multipoint Spectral Analysis in Dynamic Sources Behaviour Identification and
Authors: Silviu Nastac,
Carmen Debeleac
- The aims of this study deals with the identification an evaluation of the
linkage between the vibratory intensive pollutant industrial sources and the
vibration level at these industrial site proximities. This analysis acquires
high significance when at the side of the site there are the civil
constructions, with preponderant human activities, or habitable areas. Based
on the virtual instrumentation developed in LabVIEW™ graphical programming
package, and using the multipoint spectral analysis method, the authors
succeeds to put into the evidence the influences or the absence of these,
regarding the vibration sources and their effects on the potential sensitive
destinations. The global evaluation method helps the identification and the
analysis of this phenomenon. The instrumental tests were performed at the
ASTRA Factory, Arad, Romania, on the forges sector, and on proximity zones.
- vibration, system identification, instrumental tests, multipoint spectral
Title of the Paper:
On the Design of a Shape Memory
Alloy Spring Actuator Using Thermal Analysis
Sonia Degeratu, Nicu G. Bizdoaca,
Gheorghe Manolea, Ilie Diaconu, Anca Petrisor, Vasile Degeratu
- Due to their unique properties and behavior, the Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs)
play an increasingly important role in the intelligent systems performance.
Recent applications in structural actuation and sensing demand increased
material capabilities. This paper reviews the main advantages and the
properties of SMAs and presents the design strategy for a typical shape
memory actuator configuration of intelligent systems, using as active element
Ni-Ti SMA spring working against a conventional steel spring. It also
includes the thermal analysis experiments, in order to determine the
transformation temperatures for the studied SMA spring. For design
optimization a comprehensive graphical interface (based on the thermal
analysis results), which runs under Visual Basic, has been developed for this
application. It provides a user friendly environment allowing intelligent
system parameters configuration as well as choosing the most adapted analysis
methods and data displaying.
- SMA, shape memory helical spring, biasing spring, austenite phase,
martensite phase, transformation temperatures.
Title of the Paper: Rainfall
Estimation from Convective Storms Using the Hydro-Estimator and NEXRAD
Authors: Nazario D.
Ramirez-Beltran, Robert J. Kuligowski, Eric W. Harmsen, Joan M. Castro, Sandra
Cruz-Pol, Melvin J. Cardona
Abstract: Validation of the Hydro-Estimator (HE) and the Next Generation Radar
(NEXRAD) during heavy storms over Puerto Rico (PR) is reported. The HE is a
high resolution rainfall retrieval algorithm based on satellite and numerical
weather prediction model data. The accuracy of the HE and the NEXRAD rainfall
estimates can be measured by decomposing the rainfall process into sequences
of discrete (rain / no rain) and continuous (rainfall rate) random variables.
Validation results are based on five heavy storms that seriously impacted
human life and the economy of PR during the period 2003 to 2005. The average
discrete validation results indicate acceptable hit rate values for both the
HE and NEXRAD (0.76 vs. 0.87) and reasonable discrete bias ratios (1.04 vs.
0.73) but a very low of probability of detection of rain for both the HE and
NEXRAD (0.36 vs. 0.52). The HE shows an overestimation on average whereas the
NEXRAD exhibits underestimation in the continuous validation results
(continuous bias ratio of 1.14 vs 0.70 for NEXRAD), which contributes to
moderate overall errors for the HE and NEXRAD in terms of root mean squared
error (2.14 mm vs. 1.66 mm) and mean absolute error (0.96 mm vs. 0.77 mm).The
HE algorithm was designed to operate over US continental areas and
satisfactory results have been reported. However, over tropical regions it
was determined that warm clouds can generate substantial rainfall amounts
that are not detected by the HE algorithm. It is known that precipitation
processes in clouds with warm tops are very sensitive to the microphysical
structure of their tops. Specifically, precipitation processes are more
efficient when water droplets or/and ice particles grow to larger sizes. It
has been shown that the uses of the reflected portion of the near-infrared
during the daytime indicates the presence large cloud-top particles and
suggest rain in warm-top clouds. It has been used the effective radius of
clouds particles to detect raining clouds. However, the available algorithms
to estimate the effective radius are designed to operate over ice clouds. We
are in the process of developing an algorithm to extract the microphysical
structure for rainy warm top clouds, and the first step of this algorithm is
to estimate the remittance of near infrared window, which is described in
this paper.
- Validation, NEXRAD, Hydro-Estimator, retrieval algorithm, rain rate, GOES,
brightness temperature.
Title of the Paper: Frame
Length Selection in Speaker Verification Task
Donato Impedovo, Mario Refice
In this paper an approach based on the use of different frame lengths for
the feature extraction process in the training and recognition phases of a
speaker verification system is presented. It is able to sensibly reduce the
ER and the degradation on performance related to the training/verification
feature mismatch. The potentiality of the approach are investigated in an
a-posteriori search of the best combination to be adopted. A prototype of an
expert system is also presented in order to automatically search, in real
time operating conditions, the optimal combination of parameters. Tests have
been performed on a set of speakers whose speech productions were spanned
over approximately 3 months.
- Speaker Verification, Text Dependent, Mismatch, Frame Length, CD-HMM.
Title of the Paper: A
Model and Tool Features for Collaborative Artifact Inspection and Review.
Authors: Abdusalam Nwesri,
Khairuddin Hashim
Inspection offers an opportunity to detect and remove defects at various
points during software development. Early detection will reduce the effect of
propagation and amplification of defects into the later phases of software
development. Collaborative inspection on the web aims to eliminate the time
factor needed to assemble the inspection or review team at a physical location.
Through the collaborative mode, software teams can perform software
inspection and review from geographically separated places asynchronously.
These newly introduced practices have proven that collaborative inspection
and review of artifacts on the web is feasible. This paper provides a model
for collaborative inspection and review including possible features of model
and tool that will support collaborative inspection and review on the web.
Artifact, collaborative, software inspection, review.
Title of the Paper: Computational Methods Used in the Study of
Grafting 2-Chloroethyl Phosphonic Acid on Titania
Simona Funar-Timofei,
Gheorghe Ilia
The surface of TiO2 particles can be modified by phosphonic acids, this
modification having several applications, like: photoelectrochemical cells
based on nanocrystalline films of TiO2, optical write-read-erase devices,
enzymatic catalyses and plant growth regulator. Anchoring of organophosphorus
derivatives on a titania surface is expected to involve both coordination of
the phosphoryl oxygen to Lewis acid sites and condensation reactions between
the surface hydroxyl groups Ti-OH and the P-OX and to lead to a strongly bind
to the surface of transition metal oxides. This paper presents a theoretical
study on grafting reactions of 2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid of titanium
oxide surface. Starting from experimental X-ray data of the rutile crystal,
several possible complexes with 2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid were built. The
semiempirical PM6 quantum chemical approach was used in order to find out the
way of anchoring the phosphonic moieties. The results thus obtained gave
indications on the stability of the complex formation.
- computational methods, PM6, titania, 2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid,
grafting, quantum chemistry.
Title of the Paper: Remotely
Controlled Intelligent Vehicle To Handle Public Places Security
Abdel Latif Abu Dalhoum, Mohammed Al-Rawi, Ahmed Al-Sharieh, Ayman M. Najjar,
Maen M. Najjar, S. Shayreh
In this paper we propose a simple design and implementation of an intelligent
robot that can be used to handle security breaches. Applications may include
counter terrorism, handling pollution crises, monitoring for security purpose,
etc. Ultrasound sensors, temperature sensors, GPS devices, and wireless
cameras are mounted on the robot in order to give 360 degrees stereo vision
and other environmental sensing. JPEG2000 image compression is used to enable
efficient video streaming for views scanned by the cameras to the server that
manages the Robot. The Robot is designed to work as a server based, and many
authorized security personals can connect to the Robot in order to monitor
public places such as malls, parking, etc.
Robotics, Jpeg2000, stereo vision, automation, Internet remote control.
Title of the Paper: SCADA System for Monitoring Water Supply
Authors: Mircea
Dobriceanu, Alexandru Bitoleanu, Mihaela Popescu , Sorin Enache, Eugen
- Water supply represents a vital problem for people, and this imposes the
need to know the information regarding consumptions, resources and production.
This implies a continuous supervision of the water supply process in order to
allow any problem that could appear to be solved, and in the same time, to
maintain normal functioning parameters. Proper solutions imply automation and
monitoring architectures which contain: a supervision and control system for
the real time installation, programmable logic controllers with basic
functions (communication, adjusting, measuring, etc.) libraries,
communication systems, standard interfaces or dedicated ones with sensors,
electrical drive elements, measuring devices, etc. The informatics systems
present the possibility of preventing some phenomenon, by analyzing and
processing the data, leading to an optimum functioning and to important financial
economies. In this way, the paper presents a SCADA system for the monitoring
and control of the technological parameters in the water distribution
stations, which will allow the optimum functioning of the pumping system,
safety and endurance growth in the equipments and installations exploring,
and so obtaining efficient energy usage and optimum administration of the
drinkable water.
- SCADA, data acquisition, analysis, monitoring, control, PLCs, data
Title of the Paper: Rescuing
of Intelligence and Electronic Security Core Applications (RIESCA).
Rauno Pirinen, Jyri
Rajamaki, Lili Aunimo
There are number of systems, such as transport and logistic, power and
telecommunication, hydropower and nuclear power stations; that are critical
systems for the functioning of day-to-day life of the society in Finland. When
assessing possible risks, it is only seldom taken into account that power,
hydropower and nuclear power plants are critically dependent on the
reliability and security of information systems. Information security is
often enhanced by purchasing and extending technical solutions without
considering any systematic planning and knowledge of how to protect the
different segments of the system. In this case study, the risk is not only to
investing of the information security resources to the wrong targets but also
to take more risks. As the unplanned integration of systems and the related
information security components may even create new security risks. As a
result, systems that are critical for society may not work as they should.
The Rescuing of Intelligence and Electronic Security Core Applications
(RIESCA) project is targeted to do contributive and constructive solutions to
this problem. The research object is produce information security and
continuity management methods that can be used to ensure the proper
functioning of critical systems under varying circumstances. Furthermore, it
also leads to the development of an integrative action and environment for
critical systems development, management and evaluation. This study: (1)
describes the RIESCA project; (2) proposes enhanced data mining collection
and analysis architecture model for criticalsystems evaluation; (3) includes
Business Continuing Management (BCM) method creation perspective to context
of critical systems and (4) describes the RIESCA action and process
implementation model.
- Critical system, method development, critical infrastructure, security core
application, critical process and societal security, data maining.
Title of the Paper: Electrochemistry Theorem Based
State-of-Charge Estimation of the Lead Acid Batteries for Electric Vehicles.
Authors: Ying-Shing Shiao,
Ding-Tsair Su, Jui-Liang Yang, Rong-Wen Hung
A method for the estimation of the state-of-charge in lead-acid batteries for
electric vehicles is investigated. The electrochemistry theorem is introduced
to measure the resistance effect of the electrode reaction and to estimate
the internal energy loss and the electrolyte specific gravity in batteries.
The proposed algorithms can accuracy compute the state-of-charge of the
lead-acid batteries, that the variations of the electrochemical resistance in
the electrolyte concentrations are estimated for the state-of-charge. The
approach is based on the idea of constructing the real time approach that can
be implemented by a digital signal processor. The motivation of this work is
to explore the problem of different procedures on the charged and discharged
of the lead-acid batteries to obtain the variations in the charge-discharge
and resistance profiles. The provided method shows that it is validated for
estimation the capacitances and residue energies.
- State-of-charge, Lead-acid battery, Electric vehicles, Electrode reaction,
Electrolyte specific gravity, Digital signal processor.
Title of the Paper: Improvements in Dependability and Usability
for a Substation Automation System with Redundancy
Hachidai Ito, Keiichi Kaneda, Koichi Hamamatsu, Tatsuji Tanaka, Koichi Nara
Substation Automation Systems (SAS) are widely used for the purpose of
control, protection, monitoring, communication etc. in substations to improve
the reliability of the power supply. SASs adopting IT based solutions such as
Ethernet LAN have recently become more common although hardwired control has
been used in the past in earlier versions of SAS utilizing simple
communication methods. Moreover, IEC 61850 which is the international
standard for communications within substations has been published, and the
application of SAS based on IEC 61850 is increasing. It is necessary to
select each component and the configuration of the SAS from the viewpoint of
dependability so that the dependability of the SAS, i.e. reliability,
availability, and serviceability may have a very big impact in the stability
of the power supply in the electric power transmission and distribution
systems. In this paper, we will describe the configuration policy of an IEC
61850 based SAS, its actual system configuration and the redundant
configuration to improve dependability. In addition, we will explain some of
the new functions not currently covered by IEC 61850 that we have developed
to improve usability and availability. Following which we will present an
evaluation of the dependability for MTTF (Mean Time To Failure),
Availability, and FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) for these
configurations of SAS based on the dependability requirements for SAS.
Furthermore, other measures have been adopted in the design to ensure
fail-safe and fool-proof operation and thus improve system dependability in a
much wider sense.
- SAS, Substation Automation System, IEC 61850, Reliability, Dependability,
Availability, System Architecture, Redundant System.
Title of the Paper: Research on MPPT and Single-Stage
Grid-Connected for Photovoltaic System.
Jui-Liang Yang, Ding-Tsair Su, Ying-Shing Shiao
- This paper proposes a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system that is
consisted of a boost converter with maximum power tracking, battery charge
controller, inverter, and the related control circuits. A sliding mode
controller is designed for controlling the boost converter to output the
maximum power of the solar cells. A control strategy is proposed of a Maximum
Power Point Tracking (MPPT) impendence adapter coupling a photovoltaic
generator to a battery. The proposed strategy is based on the sliding mode
control theory of continuing systems to permit a direct control of power
converter. The PV generator price is even relatively high, so the user is
interested of the optimal coupling of PV generator to electromechanical
loads. In fact, this system uses the optimal coupling in order to have
maximum power during the whole operating period. A grid-connected inverter is
designed to transform the maximum output power into the load and utility. The
real power control is using zero-cross and phase-lock circuits that control
the inverter output voltage which is phase lead and synchronized with the
utility. A digital circuit is used to detect the phase angles of the load voltage
and current to control the inverter output amplitude to achieve the reactive
power load compensation. A monitor circuit is designed to detect the voltage
and frequency variation in the utility. When the photovoltaic system
encounters a voltage and frequency deviation, the monitor circuit immediately
disconnects the photovoltaic system from the utility to prevent the island
effect. The proposed system is implemented by using OP amplifiers and micro
controller (PIC16F877A). Both the simulation and experimental results using MATLAB
show the sliding mode controller for maximum power tracking has good
performance. The phase and amplitude control experiments achieve the real and
reactive power control. The island effect experiments demonstrate evidence of
the solar cell system protection ability illustrating the proposed
grid-connected photovoltaic system has good operating performance.
- MPPT, Sliding mode control, Battery charger, Lyapunov function, Boost
Title of the Paper: Simulation
of the Flicker Phenomenon based on Modeling the Electric Arc
Manuela Panoiu,
Caius Panoiu, Ioan Sora, Raluca Rob
- The Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) is a very large power load, determining the
negative effects on the power quality like flicker effect, harmonics
currents, and reactive power. These effects are due to the nonlinear
characteristic of the electric arc. In this paper is made a study based on
simulation about flicker effect caused by Ultra High Power Electric Arc
Furnaces (UHP-EAF). For simulation it was use two electric arc models,
depending on the nonlinearity of the electric arc. The models are
implementing in PSCAD EMTDC simulation program, a program dedicated to power
systems. The simulation results are comparing with measurements made in an
industrial plant in Romania.
- Simulation and modeling, power quality, flicker, harmonics, inter harmonics.
Title of the Paper: A Real-Time
Identification Method of Slow Process Parameters Using Adaptive IIR-OSLMS
Caius Panoiu, Manuela Panoiu, Liviu Toma, Raluca Rob
- This paper present a real time identification of the parameters value of a
slow process using adaptive IIR-OSLMS filters. This kind of process can be
assimilating to a time constant and a delayed time. To ensure the convergence
of the adaptive algorithm the initial values of the parameters can be compute
using an on-line identification method. The measured temperature is affected
by noise, so it was used a ALMS filter to reject the noise.
- Adaptive algorithm, slow process, identification method, noise
cancellation, numeric filter.
Title of the Paper: The
System Approach to Revenues of the Czech Municipalities and Decision Making
Process in Distribution of Grants
Authors: Kasparova
Miloslava, Sockelova Iveta
This paper deals with the system approach to grant and tax revenues of the
Czech municipalities and shows a use of multiple criteria decision making
method in order to a distribution regional grants. Firstly it focuses on
public administration system, describing of tax revenues, grants, and
situation in the Czech Republic and shows a process of grant realization and
creation of design of grant criteria objectification model. The part of this
paper contents also an application of AHP method in defined problem.
System, system approach, public administration, revenues, AHP, decision
Title of the Paper: Application
of Decision Trees in Problem of Air Quality Modeling in the Czech Republic
Kasparova Miloslava, Krupka Jiri,
Jirava Pavel
Air pollution belongs to environmental threats. This paper deals with an
application of selected algorithms used in decision trees in order to an air
quality modelling. We focused on daily observations of air polluting
substances concentrations in one of the cities in the Pardubice region in the
Czech Republic. After data collection, data description, and data
preprocessing, we worked on the creation of classification models and the
analysis of the achieved results. As modeling algorithms we selected C5.0
algorithm, boosting, CHAID method and CR&T. Differences of results were
Classification model, air pollution, air quality, algorithm, daily
observations, Czech Republic
Title of the Paper: Application of Business Intelligence Methods for
Personalizing Tourist Services
Alberto Salguero, Francisco
Araque, Cecilia Delgado
The tourist web sites usually provide static information which can be
accessed by mean of some kind of search/filter forms. The next step in the
evolution of this services is to include some kind of Decision Support System
which easy the task of finding what the user is looking for. In this paper we
describe a system capable of generating the routes which better fits the user
characteristics and preferences. The system uses a clustering/classification
process for selecting the most interesting locations to visit according to
the list of most historically visited locations included by similar tourist
in their travels. Once determined the points of interest the system performs
a process for selecting the most adequate routes connecting those points,
taking into account the tourist characteristics and the knowledge about the
location to visit.
Tourism, personalization, data warehouse, clustering, classification.
Title of the Paper: A
Generalized Profile Function Model Based on Artificial Intelligence
Pero Radonja, Srdjan Stankovic, Dragana
- A generalized profile function model (GPFM) provides an approximation of
individual profile functions of the objects (trees) in a region. It is shown
in this paper that this generalized model can be successfully derived using
artificial computational intelligence, that is, neural networks. The
generalized model (GPFM) is obtained as a mean value of all the available
normalized individual profile functions. Generation of GPFM is performed by
using the basic dataset, and verification is done by using a validation data
set. As an example of the application of the proposed GSPM in volume
computing, 42 objects from the same region are considered. Statistical
properties of the original, measured data and estimated data based on the
generalized model are presented and compared. Testing of the obtained GPFM is
performed also by regression analysis. The obtained correlation coefficients
between the real data and the estimated data are very high, 0.9946 for the
basic data set and 0.9933 for the validation dataset.
Key Words:
- Profile function, Generalized model, Neural networks, Histogram, Scatter
Title of the Paper: The
Learning Opportunities of Social Bookmarking Service: An Example of FunP
Pero Eric Zhi Feng Liu, Yu Fang Chang
- Social bookmarking via a web-based system enables students to manage their
bookmarks, share their bookmarks with other students on the Internet (inside
and outside classroom). This study discussed the feasibility of the
integration of learning theories and social bookmarking service through some
cases. The possible aims of social bookmarking service emphasize the use of
web 2.0 technology in learning; the collection, and sharing of information;
discussions with peers; and construction of learning communities. In this
study, we have illustrated the social bookmarking service and the possible
learning opportunities successfully. Further study should examine the
effectiveness of social bookmarking service in different fields, forms of
learning (e.g., alone or group), tasks (e.g., structured or ill-structured),
forms of evaluation (e.g., summative or formative), and forms of community
(e.g., community of practice or community of knowledge creation).
- Social bookmarking, Web 2.0, Learning, Information technology, Learning
Issue 11, Volume 7, November 2008
Title of the Paper: Parameter Estimation of Frequency Response
Twin-Screw Food Extrusion Process using Genetic Algorithms
Anant Oonsivilai, Ratchadaporn Oonsivilai
Autonomic control of food extruders has attracted considerable in recent
years. With limited understanding of the complex physio-chemical interactions
during the food extrusion process, designing a control system for food
extruder is not easy. The common approach is to determine the operating
conditions and then to maintain these values as closely as possible using
various control loops, if not manual control. This paper applies genetic
algorithms to achieve the parameters of the twin-screw food extrusion process.
The genetic algorithms are very suitable for searching discrete, noisy,
multimodal and complex space. The sum of square error on magnitude and phase
of the twin screw food extrusion process is minimize and receiving outstanding
in shape the measured system extracted from the frequency response analysis of
the food extrusion process. As recognized, exploitation of the optimization
based on Genetic Algorithms gives advanced results.
Keywords: Parameter Estimation, Genetic Algorithms, Food, Extrusion Process,
Frequency Response
Title of the Paper: Aerosol Size Distribution using Lidar Data
and a Typical Lidar Assembly
Hamed Parsiani, Javier Mendez
An algorithm is developed and detailed in this paper which determines
atmospheric aerosol parameters such as backscatter and extinction
coefficients, aerosol optical thickness, and the aerosol size distribution.
The algorithm uses the power profile data obtained from Lidar at the City
University of New York (CUNY). The aerosol optical thickness at 20 km range
has been validated using a Sun-photometer. The assembly of a typical Lidar
system capable of providing the power profile at three standard wavelengths of
355, 532, and 1064 nm is elaborated upon, by actually detailing the Lidar
system under construction at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, as one
of several Lidars to be established in the Caribbean.
Keywords: Remote sensing, LIDAR system, Aerosol Optical Depth, Aerosol Size
Title of the Paper: Energy Distribution Modeling of Car Body
Deformation Using LPV Representations and Fuzzy Reasoning
Istvan A. Harmati, Andras Rovid, Laszlo Szeidl, Peter Varlaki
The main aim of the paper is to introduce a novel method – based on fuzzy
control and linear parameter varying (LPV) system representation transformable
into HOSVD based Canonical form – for modeling deformation processes with
respect to the distribution of the absorbed kinetic energy. Modeling such kind
of processes requires many uncertain input parameters. Using the proposed
concept we are able to handle them and keep the complexity of the models low
by using higher order singular value decomposition (HOSVD) technique.
Keywords: Car crash, Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model, LPV model, HOSVD, Canonical
Title of the Paper: Partial Discharge Diagnosis on GIS Based on
Envelope Detection
Li Li-Xue, Huang Cheng-Jun, Zeng Yi, Jiang Xiu-Chen
In order to detect and identify the defects on GIS, the ultra-high frequency
envelope detection circuit and high-speed data acquisition system was
designed, and the tests of five typical defects for GIS were made in the
laboratory and the envelope signal was acquired based on Ultra-high frequency
(UHF) envelop detection circuit. And wavelet denoising technique was used to
reduce the white noise of the measurement envelop signal. A large number of
experiments show that time-domain characteristics of partial discharge signals
generated by the same defect model are about the same, envelopes are nearly
identical too. The time-domain characteristics of partial discharge signals
generated by different defect models are different, and their envelope shapes
are different too. A new method of pattern recognition was proposed which
analyses the characteristic parameters of the envelope signal at time-domain
with BP neural network. A large number of test data in Lab indicate that the
method is effective.
Keywords: GIS, partial discharge, pattern recognition, UHF, envelop detection,
BP neural network
Title of the Paper: Mathematical Modelling of Processes of Reject
Water Treatment in Moving Bed Bioreactor
Viola Somogyi, Bence Fazekas, Endre Domokos, Akos Redey
Efficient treatment of reject water originating from sludge digestion process
was achieved by implementing a moving bed bioreactor. Since the ongoing
processes in the reactor were unclear, model development was chosen in order
to map them. To describe biofilm processes a newly presented zero-dimensional
biofilm model [27] was chosen. Simulation data in the study of Plattes et al.
[28] were promising for municipal wastewater but it did not meet the
expectations in case of wastewater with high ammonia content. Therefore four
step nitrogen removal was implemented in the 0D biofilm model. Steady-state
simulation showed that processes over nitrite were of great importance in the
system. The results also indicated that to a certain degree ANAMMOX (anaerobic
ammonia oxidation) reaction took place as well. The special structure of the
moving bed bioreactor with protected microorganism colonies was assumed to be
the reason for that.
Keywords: Reject water, nitrogen removal, MBBR, steady-state simulation,
Title of the Paper: Controller Design of a New Active Front
Steering System
Deling Chen, Chengling Yin, Jianwu Zhang
An AFS (active front steering) on the basic of a C-EPS (column electric power
steering) system was developed. Based on the mathematical model of essential
components, the AFS controller was designed covering two units: an EPS
actuator unit was used to reduce the steering torque requirement to the
driver; an AFS actuator unit was used to compensate the steering angle for
steering characteristics and vehicle stability. In contrast to the
conventional stability control, both the sideslip angle and the yaw rate were
fed back to this AFS controller and the stability performance has been
optimized with LQR (linear quadratic regulator). In addition, tire stiffness
uncertainties have been taken account in the LQR controller to provide the
control robustness. Finally, HILS (Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation) tests were
conducted to demonstrate the performance of the designed AFS controller.
Experiment indicates that the proposed AFS system can improve vehicle
stability and compensate the steering reaction torque effectively.
Keywords: Active front steering (AFS), Electric power steering (EPS), Linear
quadratic regulator (LQR), Sideslip angle, Yaw rate, Vehicle stability
Title of the Paper: Novel Driving Method For BLDCM From
Standstill to High Speeds
Wang Hua-Bin, Liu He-Ping
A novel approach is proposed which can drive an interior permanent magnet (IPM)
brushless DC motor (BLDCM) smoothly from standstill to high speeds without
position or speed sensors. At standstill, initial rotor position is estimated
by using the inductance variation due to the magnet position. In rotating
condition, indirect inductance method was implemented for BLDCM with
H_PWM-L_PWM modulation scheme at very low speeds; When the motor speed is
beyond a certain speed where the back EMF is enough, the sensorless algorithm
for rotor position detection is switched to the back EMF method to drive the
IPM BLDCM with H_PWM-L_ON modulation scheme. The validity of the proposed
method is verified through Experimental results.
Keywords: Interior Permanent Magnet , Brushless DC motor, Back EMF method,
Indirect Inductance Method, Sensorless
Title of the Paper: Upgrade of Signaling System on the Rapid
Transit Systems
Ying-Tung Hsiao, Kuang-Chieh Lin
In this paper, discuss the upgrade system for an old type and extend to new
line system of signaling at Taipei Rapid Transit Systems (RTS). Since the
track circuits of fixed block are utilized the frequency loops and audio
frequency track circuits of train position detected on the automatic train
protect system. At present, Neihu line is the new extension construction of
Muzha line, due to the new singling system as Communication Based on Train
Control (CBTC) has use the new system and upgrade with revenues service system
on the Muzha line. How do check and integration between old and new type
systems to combination and compatible for the train running of Automatic Train
Control (ATC) system shall importance issue. The CBTC system is used the
simply construction technology with application to upgrade at Metro systems.
In theme also comparison between fixed blocks and moving blocks circuits for
conception of design in the Taipei RTS, and study of CBTC system technology
manipulate on the system upgrade.
Keywords: CBTC, moving block, intelligent transportation, intelligent vehicle,
Title of the Paper: Criterion in Selecting the Clustering
Algorithm in Radial Basis Functional Link Nets
Ang Sau Loong, Ong Hong Choon, Low Heng Chin
K-means and k-median clustering algorithms can help in the selection of
centres for the Radial Basis Functional Link Nets. Radial Basis Functional
Link Nets is used to classify the data. In this paper, we will show the
importance of knowing the skewness of the data in deciding to choose between
k-means or kmedian clustering algorithm in finding the centre of Radial Basis
Functional Link Nets and we will also show that this initial selection
criterion will result in the improvement of efficiency in terms of speed and
accuracy in data classification. Two sets of real data are used to demonstrate
our results.
Keywords: Radial Basis Functional Link Nets, Radial Basis Function Network,
k-means, k-median, clustering, skewness
Title of the Paper: The Analysis on the L-index based Optimal
Power Flow Considering Voltage Stability Constraints
Hailun Huang, Yigang Kong, Jian Zhang
In the environment of electricity markets, power systems are operated nearer
against the voltage stability limit than before. For this reason, this paper
presents a novel optimal power flow (OPF) formulation containing voltage
stability constraints. By adopting the L index function that can reflect
stability margin from the collapse point as voltage stability constraints,
this model can obtain the demanded voltage security level by adjusting the
upper limits of these constraints. So its optimal solution can satisfy the
security and economical demand of power systems simultaneously. At the same
time, the primal-dual interior point method (IPM) based on the perturbed
Karush-Kuhn- Tucker (KKT) conditions is proposed to solve this problem.
Simulation results on five test systems demonstrate the effectiveness of the
presented OPF model with voltage stability constraints, and the proposed
computation approach has good convergence.
Keywords: Optimal power flow, Voltage stability, L index, Primal-dual interior
point method
Title of the Paper: A Novel Fast Kolmogorov's Spline Complex
Network for Pattern Detection
Hazem M. El-Bakry, Nikos Mastorakis
In this paper, we present a new fast specific complex-valued neural network,
the fast Kolmogorov’s Spline Complex Network (FKSCN), which might be
advantageous especially in various tasks of pattern recognition. The proposed
FKSCN uses cross correlation in the frequency domain between the input data
and the input weights of neural networks. It is proved mathematically and
practically that the number of computation steps required for the FKSCN is
less than that needed by conventional Kolmogorov’s Spline Complex Network (CKSCN).
Simulation results using MATLAB confirm the theoretical computations.
Keywords: Fast Kolmogorov’s Spline Complex Network, Cross Correlation,
Frequency Domian, Pattern Detection, Neural Networks, Modeling of Time-Variant
Multidimensional Data.
Title of the Paper: A Correlation Factor Based Islanding
Detection Method for Distributed Synchronous Generators
Wen-Yeau Chang
This paper proposes a new correlation factor based islanding detection method
for use of gridconnected distributed synchronous generator. The proposed
correlation factor method is based on voltage fluctuation injection, which can
be obtained through regulating the field current of the distributed
synchronous generator periodically. The correlation factor between the
periodic regulating signal and the perturbed voltage is then used as an
islanding detection index. When distributed synchronous generator is
grid-interconnected, the correlation factor is lower than a threshold value.
In contrast, as an islanding occurs, the correlation factor would become much
higher than the threshold value. In this paper, experiments are conducted to
illustrate the principles of the proposed technique. The test results show
that the new proposed method is reliable, economical, and easy for
implementation for islanding detection of distributed synchronous generator.
Keywords: Islanding detection, Distributed synchronous generator, Voltage
fluctuation injection, Periodic field current regulation, Correlation factor
Title of the Paper: Model of Optimal Paths Design for GMPLS
Network and Evaluation of Solution
Teruji Sekozawa, Takashi Fukumoto
We describe an optimal path design for a GMPLS network that employs the
Lagrangian relaxation method, which can be used to estimate the lower bounds
of a solution to a problem. This feature assists the designer of the problem
to consider the accuracy of the solution obtained by the calculation when
deciding whether to assign the solution to a real network in critical
situations. A formulation of the problem and how to solve it using the
Lagrangian relaxation method is described, and the results obtained by a
prototype and considerations are shown in this paper.
Keywords: Optimal path design, GMPLS, Lagrangian relaxation, Heuristic
algorithm, Simulation, Lower bound, Practical approximate solution,
Title of the Paper: A Method for Estimating Transformer
Temperatures and Elapsed Lives Considering Operation Loads
Chun-Yao Lee, Hong-Chan Chang, Hung-Cheng Chen
A simplified temperature model is presented to substitute for the traditional
temperature measurement. First, the temperature model of a transformer, based
on IEEE std. C57.91, is briefly reviewed and then a load assumption is
proposed to simplify the temperature formula. Second, a test case from the
appendix of IEEE C57.91 is used to indicate that the measured and calculated
temperatures are nearly the same using the proposed method. Finally, error
analysis illustrates that the simplified models can be an alternative way to
calculate the transformer temperatures and the transformer elapsed life.
Keywords: Temperature model, measurement and calculation temperatures, elapsed
Title of the Paper: Robustness in Liquid Transfer Vehicles with
Delayed Resonators
M. P. Tzamtzi, F. N. Koumboulis, N. D. Kouvakas, M. G. Skarpetis
In the present paper, the dynamic model of a liquid transfer vehicle with
delayed resonators is modified to take into account simultaneous wear to the
front and rear springs. This failure is mathematically formulated as increase
to the spring constant with simultaneous decrease to the damping factor. A
sloshing suppression control scheme, whose parameters are evaluated using a
metaheuristic approach, designed knowing only the nominal values of the
resonator parameters while considering their real values to be unknown, is
applied to the real system. Then, the sets of resonator parameters where the
feedback control law produces satisfactory results are determined, thus
verifying robustness of the proposed control scheme.
Keywords: Robustness analysis, liquid transfer, delay resonators, spring wear
Issue 12, Volume 7, December 2008
Title of the Paper: Evaluation of Distribution Line Spacers
Located Near the Coast
Walter Pinheiro, Arnaldo G. Kanashiro, Geraldo F. Burani
An excellent option to the utilities has been the utilisation of covered cable
fixed to the insulator or to the line spacer. However, distribution lines
located near the coast are often exposed to marine pollution and then the
superficial resistance of the polymeric material can be reduced and leakage
current can flow on the polymeric surface. This paper shows the results of
investigation considering covered cable and line spacers. By testing the
polymeric material, the behaviour of the leakage current and the evolution of
degradation were analysed, aiming the on-line monitoring of the leakage
current of line spacers.
Keywords: Covered cable, degradation, erosion, leakage current, line spacers,
pollution, tracking
Title of the Paper: Non Uniform Noisy Data Training using Wavelet
Neural Network based on Sampling Theory
Ehsan Hossaini Asl, Mehdi Shahbazian, Karim Salahshoor
Global convergence and overfitting are the main problem in neural network
training. One of the new methods to overcome these problems is sampling theory
that is applied in training of wavelet neural network. In this paper this new
method is improved for training of wavelet neural network in non uniform and
noisy data. The improvements include suggesting a method for finding the
appropriate feedback matrix, addition of early stopping and wavelet
thresholding to training procedure. Two experiments are conducted for one and
two dimensional function. The results establish a satisfied performance of
this algorithm in reduction of generalization error, reduction the complexity
of wavelet neural network and mainly avoiding overfitting.
Keywords: Wavelet neural network, sampling theory, overfitting, early
stopping, feedback matrix, wavelet thresholding, non uniform data
Title of the Paper: Research on the MPCG Algorithm applied in the
Three Dimensional Electric Field Calculation of SF6 Circuit Breaker in
Three-Phase-in-One-Tank GIS
Ma Ai-Qing, Jiang Xiu-Chen, Zeng Yi
With the structure miniaturization of SF6 Circuit Breaker in
three-phase-in-one-tank GIS, improvement of internal structure design and
layout should be taken into account to balance the electric field intensity
distribution among phases. By calculating the three-dimensional electric field
intensity distribution in GIS with FEM to guide and optimize its internal
structure will improve the electric field intensity distribution status among
each phase or whole field domain and can avoid insulated medium breakdown due
to excessiveness of local electric field intensity. Based on the character of
the complex structure of the SF6 circuit breaker in three-phase-in-one-tank
GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear), the modified preconditioned conjugate gradient
(MPCG) algorithm applied to solve multi-nodes and multi-elements large sparse
real positive defined symmetric matrix is analyzed. The program diagram of
MPCG algorithm is also proposed. According to the sparse symmetric character
of coefficient matrix, the method of storing coefficient matrix effectively
and rapidly is studied and new data structure is adopted. The finite element
calculation mathematical model and physical equations of SF6 circuit breaker
are founded in this paper. The large sparse matrix is solved by using the MPCG
algorithm. The electric field intensity and potential distribution is
calculated under power frequency voltage and their corresponding cutaway
charts and planforms are given. They can provide a useful design parameter for
designing the circuit breaker optimum configuration in GIS.
Keywords: MPCG (Modified Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient), Electric field
calculation, Three dimensional, Three-phase-in-one-tank, GIS(gas insulated
switchgear), Circuit breaker, Finite element method, Sparse matrix
Title of the Paper: A New Method Based on Extension Theory for
Partial Discharge Pattern Recognition
Hung-Cheng Chen, Feng-Chang Gu, Chun-Yao Lee
This paper proposes a new partial discharge (PD) pattern recognition method
base on the extension theory. First, five types of defect models are
well-designed on the base of investigation of many power equipment failures. A
commercial PD detector is used to measure the three-dimension (3D) PD
patterns, then two fractal features (fractal dimension and lacunarity) and
mean discharges of phase windows are extracted from the raw 3D PD patterns.
Second, the matter-element models of the PD defect types are built according
to the PD features derived from practical experimental results. The PD defect
type can be directly identified by correlation degrees between the tested
pattern and the matter-element models. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the
proposed method, comparative studies using a multilayer neural network (MNN)
are conducted on 200 sets of field-test PD patterns with rather encouraging
Keywords: Extension Theory, Partial Discharge, Pattern Recognition
Title of the Paper: Solving Terminal Allocation Problem Using
Simulated Annealing Arithmetic
Zengnian Zhang, Xudong Ke
Due to the tremendous growth in telecommunications network, a large variety of
combinatorial optimization problems have aroused people's enormous interest.
In those problems, the terminal allocation attracts people's attention most.
In this paper, we focus on studying the capability of Simulated Annealing
Arithmetic for optimizing the terminal allocation problems in communications
network. They take advantage of the best characteristic of the two effective
scheduling strategies Round Robin and Shortest Distance based on local
information at the terminal in the communications network. The effectiveness
of the Simulated Annealing Arithmetic, where some cooling strategies are used,
is passed judgment by comparing system performance under different terminal
allocation algorithms including Round Robin and Short Distance. Experimental
results show that the proposed Simulated Annealing Arithmetic provides an
optimized combinatorial solution, therefore increase the whole throughput of
the communications network system.
Keywords: Terminal Allocation, Simulated Annealing Arithmetic, Communications
Network System
Title of the Paper: Research on the Model of Ship
Parametrical-Highly Excitation Nonlinear Dynamics System
Zunyi Wang, Ligang Lu
Chaotic and periodic motion of ship parametrical- highly excitation rolling
dynamics system is researched by qualitative analysis method. Firstly,
approximately harmonic solution is gained by researching the system model’s
harmonic solution bifurcation with the theorem of Poincare. Secondly,
approximately sub-harmonic solution is gained by researching system’s
sub-harmonic solution bifurcation. Lastly, chaotic motion performance of
dynamics system is talked by function.
Keywords: Nonlinear differential equation, harmonic solution, chaos
Title of the Paper: Realization of Distributed Remote Laboratory
and Remote Debug Software for Embedded System
Yin Wei-Feng, Sun Rong-Gao, Wan Zhong
Remote laboratories are becoming widely accepted in universities for providing
distance education and for augmenting traditional laboratories. In this paper,
A remote laboratory for embedded system is presented, where students at remote
sites can perform actual experiments using actual hardware equipment and tools
concurrently. Distributed architecture is presented using Web Services
technique to share laboratories resource for multi-user. A design of ARM
debugging interface based on JTAG is given. This debugging interface has been
used for remote debugging to build embedded system remote laboratory. A
Integrated learning environment for remote experimentation for embedded system
is provided for convenient learning by students self.
Keywords: Virtual Laboratory, Remote Laboratory, Embedded System, Web
Services, JTAG debug
Title of the Paper: An Adaptive Personalized E-learning Model
Based on Agent Technology
Zhen Liu, Yuying Liu
Due to overall popularity of the Internet, E-learning has become a lot methods
of learning in recent years. Through the Internet, learners can freely absorb
new knowledge without the restriction of time and place. Based on individual
difference of learner’s abilities and preferred learning styles in hypermedia
environment, the learning outcomes vary essentially. Meanwhile, with the
development of E-learning technologies, learners can be provided more
effective learning environment to optimize their learning. Adaptive E-learning
systems are built to personalize and adapt E-learning content, pedagogical
models, and interactions between participants in the environment to meet the
individual needs and preferences of users if and when they arise. In our
paper, we first explain the grid agent E-learning model, whose main actions
including registry, directory and discovery. Through these actions, the
manager’s agent will find out the suitable learning services. Secondly, to
implement the adaptability of the grid agent model, the method of Artificial
Psychology and how to realize adaptive personalized E-learning by this method
so that are the student’s agent can employ the learning material matched to
their own personality type are also emphasized. The experiment data also
supported our assumption that the learners may perform better if they use our
adaptive grid agent model.
Keywords: Personalization System, Adaptive System, E-learning, Grid Agent,
Artificial Psychology
Title of the Paper: Fingerprint Singular Point Detection
Algorithm by Poincare Index
Jin Bo, Tang Hua Ping, Xu Ming Lan
Fingerprint indexing is an efficient technique that greatly improves the
performance of Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems. We propose a
continuous fingerprint indexing method based on location, direction estimation
and correlation of fingerprint singular points. There have been many
approaches introduced in the design of feature extraction. Based on
orientation field, Firstly, we divide it into blocks to compute the Poincare
Index. Then, the blocks which may have singularities are detected in the block
images. Experiment show the present algorithm is robust than the traditional
method on poor quality images.
Keywords: Fingerprint Core Delta Point Orientation Poincare Index
Title of the Paper: Formal Development of a Washing Machine
Controller Model Based on Formal Design Patterns
Xin Ben Li, Feng Xia Zhao
Formal methods approach to software construction can significantly increase
the reliability and correctness of the resulting software. Formal methods
users are given sophisticated languages and tools for constructing software
models, but they often lack some systematic methodological measures to help.
Formal design patterns can help formal methods users speed up the development
process by re-using and incorporating some pre-defined proved and refined
models, as design patterns do in object-oriented software. Some formal design
patterns are presented and applied to the development of a washing machine
controller model in Event-B that is a formal method for modeling and reasoning
about complex discrete system.
Keywords: Formal methods, Event-B, Design Patterns, Washing Machine Controller
Title of the Paper: Research and Design of Test Question Database
Management System Based on the Three-Tier Structure
Aimin Yang, Junping Wu, Lixia Wang
With the further development of computer and network technology, the test
question database on the network has been gradually applied in schools and
universities, which positively reduces the work volume of teachers and
demonstrates a proper way to test students. This paper will introduce a design
method of test question database management system based on the three-tier B/S
structure, analyze the features of the test question database structure, and
expatiate the grouping algorithmic calculation focusing on the main control
parameters of knowledge points and question type data. The application of this
system not only improves the work efficiency of teachers, but also positively
boosts the teaching reform.
Keywords: ASP.NET, B/S, Test Paper, Three-Tier Architecture, ADO.NET, XML, C/S
Title of the Paper: New Method of Image Retrieval Using Fractal
Code on the Compression Domain
Liangbin Zhang, Yi Wang, Lifeng Xi, Kun Gao, Tianyun Hu
Image retrieval and indexing techniques are important for efficient management
of visual database. Many techniques are generally developed based on the
associated compression domain. In the fractal domain, a fractal code is a
contractive affine mapping that represents a similarity relation between the
range block and the domain block in an image. A new algorithm of IFS fractal
code for image retrieval on the compression domain is presented in this paper.
First,the inquired image and each image in the database are encoded by Jacquin
fractal coding. Second, the image fractal feature vector and the distance of
fractal code between two images are defined, and the distance between the
inquired image and current image in the database are computed one by one.
Finally, the preceding n frame images which are the smallest distance sum of
fractal code are taken as the retrieval result. Experimental results show that
compared with the direct image pixels similar matching strategy, our scheme
shortens the retrieval time of compression domain greatly and guarantees the
retrieval accuracy. Our proposed method is effective and feasible.
Keywords: Fractal code, Iterated function system, Image retrieval, Compression
Title of the Paper: The Business Process Model for IT Service
Chen Zhao, Fei Gao
The article primary deals with IT Service Management (ITSM) and IT
Infrastructure Library (ITIL), as a process based method. Providing IT
services with better, guaranteed quality has been the aim of many diverse
efforts, undertaken under the common denominator ITSM. To develop an
architecture for information technology service management and design
integrated solutions, it is necessary to establish a common framework for
delivering IT services. The model is a framework for organizing the assets
that constitute an ITSM design. Using this framework, an organization can
document the available set of IT services offered and understand how they are
composed from finer-grained services delivered by internal or external
providers. This processing model can be used by management software vendors to
describe the capabilities of their ITSM offerings and to align those with the
needs of different customers. An introduction to the terminology and icons
used in the Business Process Model are applied in Enterprise Architect's
Business Process Model.
Keywords: ITSM, Process Model, Framework, ITIL, UML
Title of the Paper: Using Fuzzy Cognitive Map for System Control
Lin Chun-Mei
Fuzzy cognitive map is a powerful modeling tool. It has several desirable
properties on control. In this paper, we utilize the feature and the inference
mechanism of fuzzy cognitive map, and present a control method, which study
combines control theory with fuzzy cognitive map theory. The causal
relationship of variables is constructed by online learning or offline
learning, the values of control variables are given by the inference of FCM
model, and the control variables are used to adjust the value of controlled
variables in actual process and carries out the control of multi-input and
Keywords: Fuzzy cognitive map, system control, system modeling, control
Title of the Paper: Partitioning Study of Complex System
He Yue, Lin Chun-Mei
Whether the design of knowledge base or the modeling of complex systems, when
systems are characterized as complex systems with high dimension and a variety
of variables and factors, to reduce complexity are necessary. Fuzzy cognitive
maps (FCM) are a soft computing method for simulation and analysis of complex
system, which combines the fuzzy logic with theories of neural networks. It is
flexible in system design, model and control, the comprehensive operation and
the abstractive representation of behavior for complex systems. When the
complexity of the system, the application and maintenance of FCM become more
difficult, in particular, the inference is difficult to achieve and not even
gets the results. Therefore we present to partition the complex fuzzy
cognitive map into smaller chunks based on genetic algorithm in this paper. We
construct partitioning rules and criticize rules. Finally, an illustrative
example is provided, and its results suggest that the method is capable of
partitioning fuzzy cognitive map.
Keywords: Fuzzy cognitive maps, complex system, genetic algorithm,
partitioning, modeling
Title of the Paper: The Structure and Essential Characteristics
of Information-Literate Knowledge Workers in Information Systems
Sufen Wang, Junkang Feng, Ping Cang
There appear many inconsistent and often conflicting views and terms for
information, data and meaning in the field of information systems. This
confusion might be a result of the lack of adequate understanding of meaning.
We argue that meaning is created through interpretation by a subject (a human
agent). We outline a conceptual framework for looking at information flow,
which consists of an information source, information bears (carriers), and
information receivers. This constitutes a backdrop of our main investigation
on how what a piece of information means to a person takes place. We draw on
Heidegger’s work on the notion of ‘being’ to investigate the structure and
essential characteristics of information-literate knowledge worker in the
realization of possible impact of information whereby to understand the
essence of inter-subjective and subjective meaning. We observe that meaning is
the link between information and data. To be able to drawing meaning from
information embodies the ability of an interpreter in understanding or
interpret information, viz. her/his horizon of interpret. What is revealed
here would seem highly desirable for both theoretic research and practice.
Keywords: Information-literate knowledge workers, information systems,
information, meaning, Heidegger