WSEAS CONFERENCES. WSEAS, Unifying the Science

More than 6000 reviewers helped the WSEAS in 2010

More than 4000 reviewers helped the WSEAS in 2009


More than 6000 reviewers helped the WSEAS in 2010 also. The WSEAS Conferences were organized in Universities and Hotels, where the reviewers were from the Universities and the University was responsible for the review process based on the contract of collaboration. The WSEAS organizes its conferences in: University of Cambridge (UK), University of Harvard (USA), Massachusetts Inst.of Technology - MIT (USA), China Jiliang University (China), Beijing Jiaotong University (China), University Paris-Sud (France), Federal University UFRN, (Brazil), Romanian Academy of Science (Romania), Univ. Politecnica of Bucharest (Romania), Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria), Tianjin University of Technology and Education (China), The University of the West Indias (Trinidad & Tobago), University of Cantabria, Santander, (Spain), Zhejiang Univ. of Technology (China), University of Alcala, (Spain).  



More than 6000 reviewers helped the WSEAS in 2010.

More than 4000  reviewers helped the WSEAS in 2009.

More than 4000 reviewers helped the WSEAS in 2008.

Reviewers: Sep., Oct., Nov., Dec. 2007

Reviewers: June, July, August 2007

Reviewers: May 2007

Reviewers: April 2007

Reviewers: March 2007

Reviewers: February 2007

Reviewers: January 2007

Reviewers 2005-2006

Join us as Reviewer...(click here)....

  • The Society will be announcing the names of the active reviewers each month on the web.
  • The WSEAS Conference Organizers are announcing the reviewers of the particular Conferences in the Proceedings.
  • Also, in December of each year, the Editors-in-Chief of the WSEAS Transactions will be announcing the reviewers of the particular journal at the end of the issue of December
  • Please, contribute to the high-quality of the WSEAS Conferences, Books, Journals
  • Maintain the high standards of the WSEAS publications.
  • Assist the expansion of the society

    Join us as Reviewer...(click here).....


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