Title of the Paper: Subject SpecificWall Shear Stress in the Human Thoracic Aorta
Authors: Roland G Ardhagen, Johan Renner,
Toste Lanne, Matts Karlsson
Abstract: Numerous studies have shown a correlation between Wall Shear Stress (WSS) and atherosclerosis, but
few have evaluated the reliability of estimation methods and measures used to assess WSS, which is the subject of
this work. A subject specific vessel model of the aortic arch and thoracic aorta is created from MRI images and
used for CFD simulations with MRI velocity measurements as inlet boundary condition. WSS is computed from
the simulation results. Aortic WSS shows significant spatial as well as temporal variation during a cardiac cycle,
which makes circumferential values very uninformative, and approximate estimates using Hagen-Poiseuille fails
predict the average WSS. Highly asymmetric flow, especially in the arch, causes the spatial WSS variations.
Keywords: Wall shear stress, CFD, Aorta, Circumferential average values, Asymmetric flow
Title of the Paper: Medical Healthy Information System-Based on IPv6 Platform
Authors: Po-Hsian Huang
Abstract: Internet is very popular recently. Not only most of people are interested in Internet but also the technologies of wireless, xDSL, and cable modem is better than before. For these reasons, we realize that IPv4 addresses are less and less each year. Today, every country begins to research and study the new generation protocol. Especially in Asia which gets IPv4 Address not too much study IPv6 very hard. In Taiwan, some ISPs and units have been gotten 13 IPv6 addresses; the rank is the third in Asia area. By the way, the units of Research and Development in Taiwan are Academia Sinica, Ministry of Education, ChungHwa Telecom, National Dong-Hwa University, and so on. Taiwan Government announced the protocol of network will use IPv6 in 2008. We have to notice the development for the protocol right now. One will discuss how to use and research IPv6 to be the platform for a medical healthy information system.
Keywords: IPv6, medical healthy information system