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January 2007, February 2007,
March 2007,
2007, May 2007,
June 2007,
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Sept. 2007,
October 2007,
Nov. 2007,
Dec.2007, 2008
Issue 6, Volume 4, June 2007
ISSN: 1109-9526
E-ISSN: 2224-2899 |
Title of the Paper: Simulation Approach to Improve
Performance of the Seasonal Time Series Decomposition Method
Authors: Shamsuddin Ahmed
Abstract: A simulation method to model seasonal time series is developed.
Using the ratio of seasonal data to nonlinear periodic trend, simulation
parameters of the seasonal indices are identified. A decomposed seasonal
time series is re-seasonalized to identify the combined random as well as
cyclical indices in the seasonal model. These indices are modeled as a multi
channel queue system. The seasonal time series is constructed as a
multiplicative decomposition simulation model. To improve performance of the
time series, the simulation model identifies the best seasonal indices and
combined cyclical and random indices. These indices are updated whenever the
simulation search improves squared error criteria of the fitted model. The
simulated optimized seasonal, random and cyclical indices are used finally
to re-seasonalize the data for forecast evaluation. The software is
developed to test the performance of the approach using airline travel data
available in Box, Jenkins and Reinsel (1994). The proposed simulation method
achieves 38.89% improvement in squared error measure against the X-11
decomposition method.
Keywords: simulation, seasonal, time series, indices, multiplicative,
Questions, Discussion ...
Title of the Paper: Effect of The Project Control
Management Through Networking Communication Perspective
Authors: S.-C. Lee, Jenn Tang
Abstract: Our study considers the dual characteristics of the networking
platform for interaction and the networking content for formality as the
construction of organizational management activities that involve network
technologies. Of particular concern is the project control mechanism,
implementing which is one of the five most important major management
activities described by [15]. The empirical study concerns a consulting
company that operates a community. Moreover, our study explores how network
technologies are used in organizational management activities, especially
with respect to project control issues. Many propositions are made in the
conclusions which provide contributions including the networking interaction
& formality are positively correlated with communication, especially on the
project control mechanisms in a firm; however, the degree of interaction has
less effect on the formality than formality on interaction while
communicating around network environment.
Keywords: Control, platform,
interaction, content, formality, project.
Questions, Discussion ...