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Jan. 2007,
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Issue 2, Volume 3, February 2007
ISSN: 1790-5079
E-ISSN: 2224-3496 |
Title of the Paper: Biological Diversity Assessment of Tok Bali Mangrove Forest, Kelantan, Malaysia
Authors: Kasawani, I., Kamaruzaman, J., and Nurun-Nadhirah, M. I.
Abstract: This paper attempts to give information about the structure of mangrove distribution at Tok Bali, Kelantan in order to initiate for management and rehabilitation program. A study was conducted in July to November 2006 to determine the species composition, diversity index and above-ground biomass in 15.8 ha Mixed Mangrove Forest. A transects forest profile length of 30 meter and 20 plots were established, a Diameter Breast Height (DBH) and height were measured and recorded, and also diversity index and above-ground biomass were determined. A total of 10 species consisting of nine exclusive and one non-exclusive mangrove were recorded. The common species found were Sonneratia alba (1,170 trees/ha, 330 saplings/ha and 22,680 seedlings/ha) followed by Ceriops decandra, Excoecaria agallocha, Avicennia alba, Bruguiera cylindrica, B. sexangula, Rhizophora apiculata, Aegiceras corniculatum, Nypa fruticans and Derris trifoliata. From the results an average of 595 trees/ha, 598 saplings/ha and 646 seedlings/ha represented a moderate good condition and regeneration potential. Total above-ground biomass was 2664.57 kg/ha and S. alba also recorded the highest because the of wide range of diameter and height. Mangrove trees showed total average of species richness (S) was 8.0, eveness (E) was 0.793 and diversity (H’) was 1.603.
Keywords: Biodiversity, Mangrove, Distribution, Structure, Above-ground biomass
Title of the Paper: Light Guides as Energy Saving Alternative for Windowless Interiors
Authors: Jitka Mohelnikova, Fantisek Vajkay
Abstract: The paper is focused on evaluation of internal illuminance from tubular light guides. The light guides present modern ways of illumination of internal windowless parts of buildings. Their function is based on the principle of light transport from outdoor to distant indoor places due to multi-reflections on their high reflective internal surfaces. This study describes a method for evaluation of internal illumination from light guides on the basis of determined luminance of the light guide ceiling diffuser. A calculation module was developed for the evaluation of indoor illuminance on the basis of data from monitoring of the ceiling diffuser luminance. The described method presents a design tool for an operative estimation of indoor daylighting in rooms illuminated by tubular light guides.
Keywords: Light guides, Illuminance, Daylight, Light transmittance, Reflectance, Visual comfort, Luminance, Solar radiation, Overcast and clear sky.