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Issue 11, Volume 3, November 2007
ISSN: 1790-5079
E-ISSN: 2224-3496 |
Title of the Paper: Integrating Aesthetic and Sustainable Principles in Stream Reclamation Projects
Authors: Bibiana Rodrigues Ramos and Thomas Panagopoulos
Abstract: Stream regularization and the use of rigid, inert construction materials in engineering projects are not adequate for sustainable planning and development. Biotechnical stream protection and erosion control is characterized by the conjunctive use of live vegetation with retaining structures and revetments. The present work explores some of the issues relating aesthetic ideals and values, with sustainability principles and reclamation measures in a stream line reclamation project. In developed societies aesthetics plays a relevant role in public acceptance of landscape interventions. The understanding of aesthetic aspects of landscape and the clarification of its relation to sustainable principles in a landscape reclamation project presents itself as a useful tool, resolving potential conflicts between ecology and sustainability principles and public perceptions and expectations. In stream development projects, between solutions that may harness natural processes, bioengineering is the key to managing long-term impacts and costs, relying on self-repair and adaptation, rather than external maintenance procedures. The solutions and techniques applied in the present reclamation approach might be interpreted in terms of social care and help to achieve ecologically richer and aesthetically pleasant landscapes. Stream reclamation is an ideal field where aesthetics and sustainability ought to be aligned, in order to overcome the human errors of the past and built a sustainable, but also beautiful landscape.
Keywords: Bibiana Rodrigues Ramos and Thomas Panagopoulos
Title of the Paper: The RAMS-CALMET-CALGRID Modelling System to Assess Seasonal Ozone Pollution: A Five-Month Application over Tuscany Region
Authors: G. Gualtieri, F. Calastrini, C. Busillo, G. Pirovano
Abstract: The LaMMA laboratory implemented the RAMS-CALMET-CALGRID integrated modelling
system to assess ozone pollution at a regional scale. The system is based on the RAMS meteorological
forecasting model and the CALGRID photochemical grid dispersion model.
In the present study a comprehensive application of RAMS-CALMET-CALGRID has been carried out on a
seasonal basis over Tuscany region, Italy. The study area is 184x224 Km2 wide, made of a 45x55x12 3-D
computational grid, with a horizontal resolution of 4 Km.
The modelling system has been applied in a long term mode on a five-month long (May to September 2002)
time period, which can be certainly reckoned as the most original part of the work. As a matter of fact, a
number of strong modifications in the original CALGRID code proved to be necessary to let the model run
continuously all over the five months of simulation.
The SAPRC-90 “lumped” chemical mechanism developed by Carter has been used to lump all VOCs
involved in the O3 formation and removal processes in the atmosphere. Concerning emission data, all point,
line and area sources within the whole region were provided by the regional emission inventory. As far as
initial and boundary conditions are concerned, they have been provided as outputs by the CAMx dispersion
model applied by CESIRICERCA in the framework of a project aimed at evaluating atmospheric pollution
over Italy.
Eventually ozone 1-hour concentrations estimated by CALGRID have been compared with observations
provided by the major stations of ozone regional monitoring network, showing a good accuracy degree being
Keywords: Ozone, Photochemical models, Modelling system, CALGRID, RAMS, Seasonal
concentrations, Tuscany.