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Jan. 2007,
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Sep. 2007, Oct. 2007, Nov. 2007, Dec. 2007, 2008
Issue 9, Volume 3, September 2007
ISSN: 1790-5079
E-ISSN: 2224-3496 |
Title of the Paper: Field Components of the Electromagnetic Environment Related To the Presence of the Overhead Transmission Lines
Authors: Marilena Ungureanu, Adrian C-Tin Rusu,
and Ileana Baran
Abstract: This paper presents some important components of the electromagnetic environment associated with the presence of overhead power lines, taking into account different frequency ranges which are identified during operation regimes in the electromagnetic field in vicinity of overhead power lines. The interferences in the range of RI waves can be significant. RI interference usually comes from incidental radio frequency emitters which include overhead power lines. The rich harmonic content of some electronic devices (computers, television sets) means that they can interfere over a very broad spectrum. This paper points out the influence of the dissymmetry of the voltage system upon the magnitude of the intensity of the electric field.
Keywords: electric field, magnetic field, disturbances, interferences, induced voltages induced current, corona discharge, crossed over lines
Title of the Paper: Research on the Cointegration Relationship of Energy Consumption
and Economy Growth in Beijing
Authors: HE Yong-xiu, LI De-zhi, LI Yan
Abstract: This paper studies the relationships between total energy consumption (EC) and GDP, also
industrial EC and their respective value-added (VA) in Beijing based on cointegration theory. The results
indicated that there existed a Granger causality relationship running from GDP to EC growth, embodied mainly
by the tertiary industry. Moreover, the Granger causality relationship is bidirectional in the tertiary industry. At
the same time, it shows us cointegration relationships between GDP and EC. The total EC increases 0.427%
while the total VA gets a 1% growth, and for the tertiary industry, every 1% more EC can bring about 0.97%
VA. There is an impulse response to EC caused by economic growth which is mainly embodied in the third
period. The impulse response also exists between EC and VA growth of the tertiary industry. But the promoting
effect is more obvious from VA growth to EC in the tertiary industry than EC to VA growth, which shows that
the energy conservation policy will not effect the economic growth in Beijing.
Keywords: Beijing; Energy; Industry Economy; Cointegration; Impulse Response